Agata Olariu NIPNE, Bucharest Göran Skog Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, Lund, Sweden Emilian Alexandrescu Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest Ragnar Hellborg, Kristina Stenström, Mikko Faarinen and Per Persson Mikko Faarinen and Per Persson Lund University, Sweden
Lund University AMS system
Malu Rosu, Giurgiu, BC
Cioclovina cave, BC
Baia de Fier BC
Predmosti Cioclovina Baia Malu Rosu Cro-MagnonFrance GrimaldiItaly
The 2 skulls from Cioclovina and Baia de Fier are the only human fossil bones discovered in Romania Assigned to the Upper Paleolithic One could advance the hypothesis that the skulls belong to a certain type of a branch of the Central European type, Cro-Magnon (France)- Predmosti (Moravia)-Grimaldi (Italy) Considering both the chronological and the anthropological features They constitute the eastern limit of the Cro-Magnon man type which is the classical western type