The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Third Thursday Web Forum The SALCC Strategic Plan and What It Means Thursday, April 19, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Third Thursday Web Forum The SALCC Strategic Plan and What It Means Thursday, April 19, 2012

Third Thursday Web Forum Agenda Introductions Updates Monthly Topic: Your SALCC Strategic Plan Questions & Discussion of Monthly Topic Questions & Discussion of SALCC Close

Introductions Ken McDermond, Coordinator Rua Mordecai, Science Coordinator Janet Cakir, Socioeconomic Adaption Coordinator Amy Keister, GIS Coordinator Laurie Rounds, Gulf Coast Landscape Conservation Liaison Ginger Deason, Information Transfer Specialist/Forest Service Liaison

Updates Science Needs Assessment still open for review Timeline for SALCC 2012 Project selection National LCC Workshop Dialogue between cultural resource stakeholders and LCCs Annual Report on web

The SALCC Strategic Plan - History October 2011 – Strategic Planning process initiated November 2011 – Input from Steering Committee and stakeholders December 2011 – Planning team developed draft SP December 2011 – Draft SP presented to stakeholders December 2011 – Draft SP presented to Steering Committee January 2012 – Steering Committee reviewed, improved and adopted plan at a face-to-face meeting

Pieces of the Strategic Plan Vision Mission Goals Guiding Principles Objectives

Vision A landscape that sustains the nation's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations

Mission To create a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions that sustain natural and cultural resources by:  Facilitating conservation planning  Integrating partner efforts  Identifying research gaps  Working at large scales  Addressing interconnectedness of systems  Anticipating future change

Goals 1. Provide a blueprint for enhancing SALCC conservation planning and investments 2. Provide support for conservation investment decisions 3. Facilitate collaboration to maximize conservation investment 4. Promote data integration and sharing 5. Evaluate and report progress

Guiding Principles Do not duplicate the effective work of others Consider and respect each participating organization's unique mandates and jurisdictions Add value to landscape scale conservation partnerships Be transparent in SALCC decision-making Focus on developing shared landscape level priorities that lead to implementable strategies Develop and rely upon best available science Seek to understand the attitudes, values and beliefs of partners Continuously improve and refine products to ensure ongoing effectiveness

Questions so far?

Goals 1. Provide a blueprint for enhancing SALCC conservation planning and investments 2. Provide support for conservation investment decisions 3. Facilitate collaboration to maximize conservation investment 4. Promote data integration and sharing 5. Evaluate and report progress

Indicators and measureable targets Purpose: Build on existing planning efforts (SWAPs, OCS, etc.) to define measurable indicators of conservation success for the SALCC Goal 1 - Provide a blueprint for enhancing SALCC conservation planning and investments

Toward a gulf blueprint: Gulf Coast Landscape Conservation Liaison Purpose: Provide coordination and outreach and develop regionally specific coastal conservation assessments and strategies. Partners: NOAA and Gulf Coast Prairie LCC, Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC, South Atlantic LCC, Peninsular Florida LCC.

Gulf Climate Data & Scenarios Workshop USGS, NOAA, and the Gulf LCCs Objectives: Review climate downscaling efforts Prioritize shared regional needs Identify opportunities to fill gaps Goal 1 - Provide a blueprint for enhancing SALCC conservation planning and investments

Goal 2 - Provide support for conservation investment decisions Deliver interim products to key partners Predicted Land-cover Change SLAMM Sea Level Rise Modeling Predicted Urbanization