W ELCOME TO G RADE 1/2 Wednesday, September 16 th, 2015
G RADE 1/2 Mrs.Hopper Ms. Amos Mrs. Trites Mrs. Gallant Mrs. Comeau-Bourgeois
A D AY IN THE C LASSROOM 8:30- Change for classroom, empty school bags, and put everything in the appropriate spot. 8:45- Literacy Homework 5 Star Sentences Morning Message Daily Five (Stamina) Guided Reading Writer’s Workshop Songs & Poems Phonological Awareness
A D AY IN THE C LASSROOM C ONTINUED … 10:00-Snack 10:15-10:30- Recess 10:30-12:00- Specialties & Enrichment/Intervention 12:00-12:20- Lunch 12:20-12:45- Recess 12:45-1:30- Math, Music, You & Your World 1:45- Dismissal
C LASSROOM R ULES AND E XPECTATIONS Classroom Rules Traffic Light – Positively Purple Learning Lab Everyone starts each day here!
H OMEWORK Homework Log Reading Math Calendar Poems Popcorn Words Please check homework bag/agenda for notices and remove nightly
H OMEWORK - CONTINUED Agenda- Please check daily Money- Please put money(cafeteria, book orders, etc.) in a ziplock with child’s name on it
C URRICULUM N EWSLETTERS Sent home at beginning of each month Curriculum information- what we are working on Important dates to remember Notes and reminders Grade 1 News