Digital Data Displays Google Presentations/ Analyzing and Predicting Data iLearn Elementary Math Session 6 of 8
Focusing Question How can we use the features in Google Docs Presentation to enhance the slides we created in our last session?
Framing The Session In Session 5, you learned how to create a shared Google Docs Presentation and insert images into that presentation. In this session, you will learn how to customize and enhance the slides that you created in Session 5. We will learn about the rich text tools and other features to enhance the slides in our presentation. We will also discuss how we can use a Google Docs Presentation in our classrooms to analyze the data?
Click on the link below and sign in. Google Docs Presentation
This is the slide you will see when you sign in to Google Docs. Now you will enhance this image.
Teaching Choose a theme for your slide. There are 15 choices. Click Here
Teaching Go to “insert text” and add a title or whatever text you choose. Click Here Highlight the text so you can customize your slide.
Teaching Use the Rich Text Editor’s toolbar to format text content. Try Other Features.
You may also add “speaker notes” to add notes that only you can see.
You can click on “revisions” to open up a list of revisions you made.
Examples of Possible Themes
Guided Practice Go to a new slide and change the theme. Add text to the slide by clicking on “insert text.” Use the rich text editor’s tools to change the font, font size, etc. Now insert other images, shapes or videos (YouTube Videos can only be added on select devices, such as those with the Vista operating system). You can also add speaker notes. Click on revisions to keep track of what you changed.
Work Time
Getting Started Take the next 25 minutes to enhance the presentation you created in Session 5. Use the Rich Text Tools and other features to make your slides fancy. Add other images, shapes, or speaker notes, if appropriate. We will then come back together and share.”
Work Time Go to the Google Docs Web site and sign in. Open up the presentation you created in Session 5. Select a “theme” for the presentation. Choose a slide layout by clicking on “new slide”. Customize charts/slides using the Rich Text Editor’s toolbar and other features. Insert more “images” or “shapes” if desired. Share Presentations.
Today we learned how to customize our slides in a Google Docs Presentation by using the Rich Text Editor’s tools and other features. Now we will view the entire presentation to see how it has changed. How have the changes we made enhanced the final presentation compared to our first draft in Session 5? Let’s look at what you created and discuss how we can use these presentations to analyze and predict data. Share
Resources Google Docs Google Docs Tour
For more information Office of Instructional Technology