CURRICULUM—MATH The 3 rd Grade math curriculum is problem- solving based. Instruction will be provided in whole group and small group settings. Students will have daily opportunities to use manipulatives and participate in Guided Math. This will reinforce the concepts being taught, as well as give the students the chance to work collaboratively.
CURRICULUM—READING Reading instruction will be integrated into all content areas. In addition, students will participate in read aloud, shared reading, and independent reading every day. A large portion of your child’s reading instruction will be taught through Reader’s Workshop. This time will consist of a whole group mini-lesson, independent reading time, partner share, and wrap-up. Reader’s Workshop is a great tool to differentiate instruction based on individual levels and needs. Students will read “good fit” books that have been self-selected based on purpose, interest, comprehension, and fluency. We will be conferring with students individually and developing small group instruction based on clusters of students with similar needs and goals.
CURRICULUM—LANGUAGE & WRITING Your child will be provided daily opportunities to write this year through Writer’s Workshop. This time will consist of a writing mini-lesson followed by focused independent writing time. We will move through the writing process in several different genres. Students will apply their knowledge of grammar and conventions in their writing.
CURRICULUM—WORD STUDY Word Study is learning about the relationship of letters to sounds as well as the structure of words to support reading and writing. Mystery Word Lesson-Students will manipulate letters to interactively make pre-determined words. They will discuss the meanings as well as verify correct spelling. Sorting Lesson-Students will help the teacher sort the words into their relationships and will discuss how the words are related.
WORD STUDY CONT’D Transfer Lesson-Students will make different words by adding prefixes and suffixes to the words made earlier in the week. Students will discuss the meanings of each word and how the words change meaning with each part. Assessments will take place after each unit of study (not on a weekly basis). Students will be expected to apply what they have learned throughout the unit. The assessment is not a spelling test.
SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES Students will be actively engaged with materials, involved in whole group and small group discussions, and will use expository texts as a reference to confirm or extend ideas after investigations.
HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is important, as it consistently supports the concepts we work on in class. The students are expected to turn Homework in by the due date. Please make sure you are practicing math facts and reading WITH your child on a daily basis. Language Arts will send homework the first day of the week and it will be due the following Monday. Your student is required to read 20 minutes per night, 5 nights per week. They will complete an activity based on their at home reading for the week and will also have a writing assignment. Missing or incomplete work can be turned in the following day with 10 points deducted from the final grade.
CITIZENSHIP & WORK HABITS We encourage and affirm good citizenship and responsibility on a daily basis. All students are expected to have a positive attitude, demonstrate self-control, participate in class, follow classroom & school rules, and be independent problem-solvers. PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support will be implemented this year at NCE. Our goal is to use a much higher ratio of positive to negative reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Responsibility cards may be used on an individual basis, if needed. Teachers will be communicating with you to share positive news and to discuss behavior concerns, if any.
COMMUNICATION Communication between the family and the teacher is very important! We communicate in the following ways: Wednesday folders Daily Planners s Phone Calls Weekly Grade Level Newsletter