Status of cosmic-ray test of the SciFi prototype and SciFi software in G4MICE M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.)


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Presentation transcript:

Status of cosmic-ray test of the SciFi prototype and SciFi software in G4MICE M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.)

Status of cosmic-ray test In the previous MICE collaboration meeting, light yield was reported. – 5 p.e. Work still in progress to understand decoding – several corrections have already been identified. Light collection eff. for the trigger timing will be checked by LED data taken in Dec. SciFi prototype in D0 test stand

Study on Scintillator Light yield in bulk scintillator has been studied in Fermilab. Light yield in 0.35mm scintillating fiber is planed in Japan in cooperation with Kuraray. Meeting with Kuraray on Nov.20 th. –Kuraray will provide 0.35mmD fibers in 50cm to 100cm length cutting to avoid kinks in spool. –Kuraray will provide free sample of 3HF fiber to study light yield in various concentration of PT and 3HF. PT 1%~2% 3HF 0.5%~1% –Aging with Oxigen was shown. No chemical degradation in vacuum. –Attenuation length of 3HF fiber is ~300cm. Now reproducing in Osaka.

Sci Fi in G4MICE SciFiGeomDecoder – now working for Normal and Detectors only modes. Prototype track fit using individual fibres implemented and being debugged. dE/dx in track fit being added, should test first version next week. Measurement of plane thickness (from unused plane) confirms simulation – need to add 50 micron layer of Mylar to simulation. By M. Ellis

Sci Fi in G4MICE – to do … Add tests of dE/dx and multiple scattering models. Add and use virtual planes (still waiting for fix to virtual plane problem). Use extracted light yield, efficiency, dead channel, etc, information from cosmic data once it is available. By M. Ellis

Current design of the Full detector Space frame made of carbon fiber solenoid Patch panel & vacuum seal By G. Barber