Student InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Interest inventory in 3 rd, 5 th, 8 th and 11 th Grade Advisor/AdviseeTeacher/student meetings Faculty Meetings Integrate career standards in core classes Middle level team planning Grade level planning Cross-curricular planning school wide professional development on CEW Standards Will meet with middle level teams to determine where/when standards will be implemented, provide professional development and support; Career PortfolioAdvisor/Advisee program in the middle and high schools Colorful and Detailed Portfolios Communication with parents and students beginning in elementary; newsletters 5 th and 8 th grade career fairSTW coordination local business buy In Newsletter, newspaper, website
Staff InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Advisory ProgramProfessional DevelopmentFaculty Meetings Teaching of Career Standards Staff development and Planning for integration of standards; website exploration and proficiency District professional development days; Career PortfolioAdvisor/Advisee program in the middle and high schools Colorful and Detailed Portfolios Communication with parents and students beginning in elementary; newsletters; faculty meetings
Parent InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Parent Night to discuss career education Food; staff support; implementation plan and design Radio, newspaper, newsletters, website Steering Committee Involvement Director support; Master plan/Vision for future Invitation; letter home Parent LuncheonsAdministrative support; parent attendance; student identification Invitation; letter home Parent Job DaysStaff support; timeline of implementation; interest inventories Invitation; newsletters; newspaper; website
Business and Community Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy School to Work Partnership Collaboration with Kris Whitaker (STW Representative); Committee Representation Radio, newspaper, newsletters, website Career FairsSTW; Food; Holy Redeemer;Radio, newspaper, newsletters, website Steering Committee Luncheon Involve local business leaders, Chamber of Commerce, STW Invitations
Postsecondary Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Dual EnrollmentSchool Board acceptance; University participation Radio, newspaper, newsletters, website Career FairsSTW; Military; technical schools; college and university participation Radio, newspaper, newsletters, website