Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact06 1 A Shared Superconducting Linac for Protons and Muons Advances in muon cooling imply that a muon beam can be accelerated in high-frequency SC RF. A Greenfield neutrino factory can use this capability so the proton driver and muon RLA use the same Linacs. High intensity comes by increasing the rep rate. Advances in muon cooling imply that a muon beam can be accelerated in high-frequency SC RF. A Greenfield neutrino factory can use this capability so the proton driver and muon RLA use the same Linacs. High intensity comes by increasing the rep rate. We comment on the status of related muon cooling research. We comment on the status of related muon cooling research. Invitation to the 2 nd annual LEMC workshop Feb , 2007Invitation to the 2 nd annual LEMC workshop Feb , 2007 Papers and presentations can be found at and presentations can be found at Muons, Inc. Rolland Johnson (Muons, Inc.) Alex Bogacz (JLab) Milorad Popovic, Chuck Ankenbrandt (Fermilab) Refs in magenta!
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact062 Neutrinos from an 8 GeV SC Linac ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac Target and Muon Cooling Channel Recirculating Linac for Neutrino Factory Bunching Ring Muon cooling to reduce costs of a neutrino factory based on a storage ring. Cooling must be 6D to fit in 1.3 GHz SC RF, where the last 6.8 GeV of 8 GeV are β=1. New concept: Run Linac CW, increase rep rate from 10 to 100 or more, for more νs. Muons, Inc. M. Popovic & R. P. Johnson; MICE Collaboration Workshop, Frascati (2005)
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact063 Muon Collider use of 8 GeV SC Linac ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac Target and Muon Cooling Channel Recirculating Linac for Neutrino Factory Bunching Ring C. Bhat, LEMC06 Workshop S.A. Bogacz, LEMC06 Workshop µ + to RLA µ - to RLA 20 to 30 GeV Coalescing Ring Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact064 Greenfield proton/muon accelerator 2 GeV Linac 1.2 GeV Proton (H - ) Linac TargetMuon Decay/Precooling Channel Muon Cooling (has~2GeV acceleration) 5.2 GeV Proton Buncher Ring 30 GeV Muon Beam Schematic of a double-duty recirculating Linac for producing a high-energy, high-intensity muon beam for a neutrino factory. Protons (red) are charge exchange injected into the Buncher Ring and formed into short, intense bunches and then targeted to produce the muons (blue) to be cooled and recirculated through the same Linacs that produced the protons. The radius of the H - arc is ≈120 m at 0.14 T to avoid stripping. M. Popovic, C. M. Ankenbrandt, S.A. Bogacz, R. P. Johnson, MOP003, LINAC06, Knoxville, TN Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact065 Features of the Shared HF Linac Depends on effective 6D muon cooling –Cooling and adiabatic damping make the muon beam emittance match the Linac acceptance –Aligns MC and NF R&D –Reduces costs of PD, muon RLA, storage ring –Goal is to show savings more than pay for muon cooling Double duty design –FODO Linac needed for 7 passes –Radius of arcs set by H - stripping limit –~5.5 GeV Proton energy for best captured µ/p per Watt Increase rep rate for more neutrinos, easier targetry –e.g. 60Hz SNS at 800MHz Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact066
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact067 H. Kirk et al., EPAC06, Edinburgh
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact068 Greenfield muon Production and Cooling (showing approximate lengths of sections) 5.5 GeV Proton storage ring, loaded by Linac –2 T average implies radius=8000/30x20~14m Pi/mu Production Target, Capture, Precool sections –100 m (with HP RF, maybe phase rotation) 6D HCC cooling, ending with 50 T magnets –200 m (HP GH2 RF or LH2 HCC and SCRF) Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling –100 m Reverse Emittance Exchange (1 st stage) –100 m Acceleration to 2.5 GeV –100 m at 25 MeV/c accelerating gradient Reverse Emittance Exchange (2 nd stage) –100 m Inject into Proton Driver Linac Total effect: Initial 40,000 mm-mr reduced to 2 mm-mr in each transverse plane Initial ±25% Δp/p reduced to 2%, then increased – exchange for transverse reduction and coalescing about 1/3 of muons lost to decay during this 700 m cooling sequence Then recirculate to 30 GeV, inject into racetrack NF storage ring Detailed theory in place, simulations underway. Muons, Inc. New Phase II grant, with S. Derbenev New Phase II grant, with D. Neuffer
Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact06 9 HPRF Test Cell Measurements in the MTA Results show no B dependence, much different metallic breakdown than for vacuum cavities. Need beam tests to prove HPRF works. Muons, Inc. P. Hanlet et al., EPAC06, Edinburgh
Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact06 10 Technology Development in Technical Division HTS at LH2 shown, in LHe much better Fig. 9. Comparison of the engineering critical current density, J E, at 14 K as a function of magnetic field between BSCCO-2223 tape and RRP Nb 3 Sn round wire. Emanuela Barzi et al., Novel Muon Cooling Channels Using Hydrogen Refrigeration and HT Superconductor, PAC05 Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact Tesla HTS Magnets for Beam Cooling S.A. Kahn et al., EPAC06 Edinburgh We plan to use high field solenoid magnets in the near final stages of cooling. The need for a high field can be seen by examining the formula for equilibrium emittance: The figure on the right shows a lattice for a 15 T alternating solenoid scheme previously studied. Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact Dimensional Cooling in a Continuous Absorber see Derbenev, Yonehara, Johnson Helical cooling channel (HCC) Helical cooling channel (HCC) Continuous absorber for emittance exchangeContinuous absorber for emittance exchange Solenoidal, transverse helical dipole and quadrupole fieldsSolenoidal, transverse helical dipole and quadrupole fields Helical dipoles known from Siberian SnakesHelical dipoles known from Siberian Snakes z-independent Hamiltonianz-independent Hamiltonian Derbenev & Johnson, Theory of HCC, April/05 PRST-ABDerbenev & Johnson, Theory of HCC, April/05 PRST-AB Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0613 Particle motion in HCC Blue: Beam envelope Red: Reference orbit Magnet Center Repulsive force Attractive force Both terms should be opposite sign. Muons, Inc. Derbenev & Johnson, Theory of HCC, April/05 PRST-AB
Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact D Cooling factor ~ 50,000 G4BL (Geant4) results Better G4BL model (Striganov) & higher B will give cooling factor of a million. K. Yonehara et al., EPAC06, Edinburgh
Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact06 15 Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling x Excite ½ integer parametric resonance (in Linac or ring) Like vertical rigid pendulum or ½-integer extraction Like vertical rigid pendulum or ½-integer extraction Elliptical phase space motion becomes hyperbolic Elliptical phase space motion becomes hyperbolic Use xx’=const to reduce x, increase x’ Use xx’=const to reduce x, increase x’ Use IC to reduce x’ Use IC to reduce x’ Detuning issues being addressed (chromatic and spherical aberrations, space-charge tune spread). Simulations underway. New progress by Derbenev. X’ X X Muons, Inc. Y. Derbenev and R. P. Johnson, COOL05, Galena, IL
Rol 8/29/2006 NuFact06 16 Reverse Emittance Exchange, Coalescing Y.Derbenev & R. P. Johnson, EPAC06, Edinburgh p(cooling)=100MeV/c, p(colliding)=2.5 TeV/c => room in Δp/p space p(cooling)=100MeV/c, p(colliding)=2.5 TeV/c => room in Δp/p space Shrink the transverse dimensions of a muon beam to increase the luminosity of a muon collider using wedge absorbers Shrink the transverse dimensions of a muon beam to increase the luminosity of a muon collider using wedge absorbers 20 GeV Bunch coalescing in a ring a new idea for ph II 20 GeV Bunch coalescing in a ring a new idea for ph II Neutrino factory and muon collider now have a common path Neutrino factory and muon collider now have a common path Evacuated Dipole Wedge Abs Incident Muon Beam pp t Concept of Reverse Emittance Exch. 1.3 GHz Bunch Coalescing at 20 GeV RF Drift Cooled at 100 MeV/c RF at 20 GeV Coalesced in 20 GeV ring Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0617 Letter of Intent to propose a SIX-DIMENSIONAL MUON BEAM COOLING EXPERIMENT FOR FERMILAB Ramesh Gupta, Erich Willen Brookhaven National Accelerator Laboratory Charles Ankenbrandt, Emanuela Barzi, Alan Bross, Ivan Gonin, Stephen Geer, Vladimir Kashikhin, Valeri Lebedev, David Neuffer, Milorad Popovic, Vladimir Shiltsev, Alvin Tollestrup, Daniele Turrioni, Victor Yarba, Katsuya Yonehara, Alexander Zlobin Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Daniel Kaplan, Linda Spentzouris Illinois Institute of Technology Alex Bogacz, Kevin Beard, Yu-Chiu Chao, Yaroslav Derbenev, Robert Rimmer Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mohammad Alsharo’a, Mary Anne Cummings, Pierrick Hanlet, Robert Hartline, Rolland Johnson *, Stephen Kahn, Moyses Kuchnir, David Newsham, Kevin Paul, Thomas Roberts * Muons, Inc. * * Contact, (757) Submitted to Fermilab 5/9/2006
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0618 6DMANX demonstration experiment Muon Collider And Neutrino Factory eXperiment To Demonstrate –Longitudinal cooling –6D cooling in cont. absorber –Prototype precooler –Helical Cooling Channel –Alternate to continuous RF 5.5^8 ~ 10^6 6D emittance reduction with 8 HCC sections of absorber alternating with (SC?)RF sections. –New technology Muons, Inc. M. A. C. Cummings et al., EPAC06, Edinburgh
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0619 6DMANX Design Muons, Inc. Features:Z-dependent HCC (fields diminish as muons slow in LHe) Normalized emittance to characterize cooling No RF for simplicity (at least in first stage) LHe instead of LH2 for safety concerns Use ~300 MeV/c muon beam wherever it can be found with MICE collaboration at RAL or at Fermilab Present Efforts: Creating realistic z-dependent fields Designing the matching sections Simulating the experiment with scifi detectors
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0620 Using tilted or offset coils –New methods to produce the HCC fields (Kashikhin & Yonehara) –b (dipole component) and bz are reproduced, but additional quadrupole component must be added –r=0.25 m, length=0.05 m, 18 coils/m in his simulation b bz Offset coils Particle track (Scale is not correct.) Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0621 Possible MANX magnet designs V. Kashikhin et al., ASC2006, Seattle Snake type MANX Consists of 4 layers of helix dipole Maximum field is ~7 T (coil diameter: 1.0 m) Field decays very smoothly Hard to adjust the field configuration New MANX Consists of 73 single coils (no tilt). Maximum field is ~5 T (coil diameter: 0.5 m) Field decays roughly Flexible field configuration V. Kashikhin et al. MCTFM 7/31/06 Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0622 Emittance evolution in LHe HCC Longitudinal (m) 6-Dimensional (m 3 ) Z (m) Muons, Inc. Transverse (m-rad) Distance along the HCC (m)
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0623 LHe MANX Summary Maximum field can be less than 5.5 T at coils with traditional HCC or with tilted or offset magnet designs Cooling factor is ~400%. Studying matching of emittance between MANX and spectrometers. Good solution found! Preparing MANX proposal. New grant. Really great opportunity for HEP people to get involved. Maybe use spectrometers stored in meson lab. Muons, Inc.
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0624 PARTICIPANTS:65 NFMCC Members:34 Fermilab8 Thomas Jefferson Lab1 Brookhaven National Lab2 Argonne National Lab1 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab1 Illinois Institute of Technology2 Michigan State University5 University of California at Los Angeles2 University of California at Riverside2 University of Mississippi2 KEK1 Muons, Inc.8 Non-NFMCC Members:31 Fermilab18 Thomas Jefferson Lab2 Illinois Institute of Technology2 University of Michigan1 University of Tsukuba / Waseda University1 Osaka University2 KEK1 Hbar Technologies, LLC1 Muons, Inc.2 Plan for the next LEMC Workshop at Fermilab, February 12-16, 2007!
Rol 8/29/2006NuFact0625 Next Steps (please join in!) 6DMANX Experiment: –Muon beam line possibilities at FNAL or RAL –Magnet designs (good solution found), cost estimates –Solve matching problem (solution found) –Spectrometer design, experimental resolution, significance (G4MANX) High Pressure RF Experiment: –MTA beam line for final proof of principle –Breakdown theory, Max Gradient vs f for HPRF Muon Collider: –IR Design and Beam-Beam Simulations –Pursue LEMC designs, what can go on the Fermilab site? Technology Development –HTS high-field magnets, low T RF cavities, high power RF sources More Innovations! Muons, Inc.