Useful for delivering presentations GREETING
Useful for delivering presentations COMPLIMENTS
Useful for delivering presentations NAME Buraga Lilia
Useful for delivering presentations POSITION
Useful for delivering presentations PURPOSE
Useful for delivering presentations SIGNPOST
for a good start: S- startle T- tell a story A- ask a question R- recite a quote
The top 10 mistakes that presenters make and how to avoid them
PRESENTATION MISTAKES BEFORE the presentation mistakes DURING the presentation mistakes
BEFORE the presentation mistakes: 1.Little, if any, advanced planning and practice.
BEFORE the presentation mistakes: 2. “ME” focused WIIFM
BEFORE the presentation mistakes: 3. Lack of clarity and structure.
BEFORE the presentation mistakes: 4. Too much information.
BEFORE the presentation mistakes: 5. Lack of creativity or BIG IDEA.
DURING the presentation mistakes: 6. Lack of audience interaction.
DURING the presentation mistakes: 7. Visuals: too much, too many or none at all.
DURING the presentation mistakes: 8. Reading a speech or a slide.
DURING the presentation mistakes: 9. “Ums”, “so”, vocal variety and body language. pitch pace (speed) volume pause posture gesture & movement facial expression eye contact dress MORE
DURING the presentation mistakes: 10. Weak opening/closing or call to action.
Top Presentation Fundamentals 4 Ps of a presentation: 1.plan 2.prepare 3.practise 4.Present Have fun
and one more thing…
Four magic phrases you can use to respond to anything: That’s interesting… tell me more. why would you say that? why would you do that? why would you ask that?
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