Year 4 Miss Sinclair 4.1 Miss Welch 4.2 Mrs Vesta 4.3
Expectations Presentation/effort: we have modelled what we expect in books and this will be monitored twice a term. We will give guideline on amounts and expect the work completed Behaviour: Two warnings, time out in class, LOL – Back on track form. Quiet when working Silent when walking around school House points and pasta as rewards Monitoring playground behaviour Captains in tables/jobs (they will know this by the end of the week) The children need to take responsibility for their actions and we will review this through circle time and PSCHE
Times Tables By the end of year 4 children should aim to know all their tables but the minimum is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 x tables Children should learn tables in full e.g. 3 x 9 = 27 Children should be able to recall them at random Children should begin to know division facts X tables will be tested on a Friday as part of their maths lesson. Scores will go in their HW diaries; they need to remember!
Reading Oxford Reading Tree continues Aim to read to an adult every day for a minimum of 10 minutes Reading Record (RR) – children should be encouraged to complete independently. Children will be provided with an AF bookmark They should respond to the questions on the bookmark in their RR. Next, write in any new words and give a star rating. Write in blue hand writing pen Please sign your child’s reading record to say you are happy that they have finished a book. Reading records will be checked to make sure that children are reading regularly.
Reading Material A range of books within the book corner. Children should read a range of genres and a tally should be kept in their books.
Homework Weekly homework alternates between Literacy and Maths but sometimes it may by topic related. It is given out and expected back each Friday. We now have a homework book for the children to write in and we mark each week. Presentation – pen! Always a reinforcement of lessons Sometimes children will get extra homework that relates to other subjects and helps to prepare for an activity or reinforce learning.
Homework Diaries The children will use the homework diary for their spellings and homework to be written in. They can be used as a contact between teacher and parent Homework diaries are checked on a weekly basis. Please sign your child’s homework diary for the current week to say that you have seen what is expected of them.
Spellings The children will be given their spellings on a Friday. They need to know the meanings of the words and to be able to use these in context. Tested on Friday –Word of the week also put into context Look, Cover, Write, Check
P.E. and Aprons Full indoor and outdoor kit needed Painting apron needed Please label your kit If earrings cannot be taken out by the child then please remove them on PE days.(Cannot tape them up) Hair should be tied up.
Handwriting folders Assessment made of handwriting Some children will have a folder to be completed at home.
The Exciting Part Topic work: Autumn: The Roman Impact: Engineering Innovators, then Volcanos Spring: The Iron Man travels across Europe Summer: The Greeks
Educational visits Autumn: A visit to Lullingstone Villa Spring: European Day within school Summer: Greeks Day within School »A Visit to London Zoo to investigate animals in their habits and the adaptations to suit the changing environment
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