Climate Local An initiative to drive and support council-led action on climate change Kamal Panchal Senior Advisor, LGA Phone: 020 7664 3174


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Local An initiative to drive and support council-led action on climate change Kamal Panchal Senior Advisor, LGA Phone: Jess David, Advisor, LGA Phone:

Background New Government - loss of National Indicators LGA Memorandum of Understanding with DECC Agreement to build on the Nottingham Declaration Funding and support from Environment Agency under ‘Climate Ready’ programme Defra/LGA joint commitment on adapting to climate change Committee on Climate Change report – calls for a statutory duty on climate change Green Alliance Debate LGA offering Climate Local – within our scope and within our remit

Journey so far Consultation with councils on the development of the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change Development work for ‘Climate Local’ with partnership support from the EA – Jan-June new web pages - an information pack for councils - research on indicators and resources Launch of Climate Local 28th June 2012, mentioned in Ed Davey’s speech at the LGA Conference Establish Climate Local Steering Group - composed of council representatives and partners Climate Local Network – network for councils interested in signing up to CL, sharing and learning

Climate Local – wider context Localism Spending Cuts No new statutory duties “one in one out” MEDIA NPPF LGA restructure

Climate Local is … Locally led - an umbrella initiative to bring together and share local action Sector led – with a steering group of council reps Flexible – for councils to set their own actions and priorities within a broad framework Voluntary – no requirement for councils to sign A Platform - for councils to use, shape, drive and make useful A way for councils to help each other be ambitious on climate change – rather than being told by Government Climate Local isn't... Prescriptive – it allows for locally determined priorities A bureaucratic process – it’s designed to be light touch A central audit tool – the emphasis is on local accountability Exclusive – all councils will be able to access tools and resources A Spreadsheet you have to fill in All about signing a piece of paper – it’s the commitments that are important and sharing of information

Climate Local A headline commitment to address the risks and opportunities presented by a changing climate, in line with local priorities 4 key elements: 1) Setting locally-owned and determined commitments and actions; 2) Publishing commitments, actions and progress; 3) Sharing learning from experiences and achievements with other councils; 4) Regularly refreshing commitments and actions to ensure they are current and continue to reflect local priorities. Underpinned by locally agreed commitments and actions

Steps for signing up Sign up to the commitment individually or as a partnership (refresh and review in Y2) LGA will provide a menu of actions and commitments, but LAs can also set their own LGA has provided a template for annual progress and will look to develop LGA Inform tool Councils encouraged to engage and share via Knowledge Hub and their own websites

Commitment: We will implement the adaptation actions contained in our revised Climate Change StrategyClimate Change Strategy Justification: The Council is committed to: managing the risks to its staff, property and functions from climate change; supporting businesses and residents to manage climate change risks; and working in partnership to address the effects of climate change Specific action(s)MeasureTimescale We will consult on the inclusion of a specific policy on climate change adaptation measures in the developing Local Plan Consultation on a climate change adaptation policy completed April 2013 We will contribute to the county-wide planning advice on minimising flood risk and incorporate this into planning policy for the council County-wide planning advice produced and incorporated into local planning policy Spring 2014 We will explore opportunities to install sustainable drainage measures in council-owned properties and open spaces and private developments Opportunities explored for the installation of sustainable drainage Measures 2016 We will explore how to protect the existing level of tree cover in the councils area and ways to increase stock in areas and land uses where canopy levels are low Opportunities explored for direct actions (e.g. planting programmes) and indirect actions (e.g. guidance, use of planning obligations and support for the voluntary sector) 2016 We will consider the impact of climate change on native wildlife and develop plans to manage this Existing Nature Conservation Strategy reviewed and management plans for Local Nature Reserves and other green spaces adjusted 2016

How will it help Councils? Sir Merrick Cockell, Chairman of the LGA: “The aim of Climate Local will be to drive and champion council-led action on climate change in a way which will ensure local authorities can get the best results and value for money with the resources they have available.” Cllr Paul Carter, Leader of Kent County Council: “Climate Local is great opportunity for us to show leadership and practical action to cut energy bills for hard-pressed local families and businesses. We'll set local targets to address real priorities." Cllr Alan Clark, Nottingham City Council: “We are really proud to be signing this agreement and to build on Nottingham’s heritage and achievements in tackling climate change. We will continue to improve our own energy use, create affordable energy for the city and encourage the growth of ‘green’ jobs. Climate Local will work with local people to set local action plans to tackle climate change.”

Climate Local signatories Shire counties Lower tier and unitaries

The LGA’s offer Provide support, resources and signposting service for councils, working with central government and partners. Champion good practice through a range of different media, such as events, showcase reports, website features, and e-bulletins etc. Help lobby government and others in the interest of councils efforts through the LGA’s Environment Board. Facilitate councils in sharing their ambitions, progress and learning. Develop the Climate Local network that will be used as a forum to share learning amongst councils.