Information Architecture Week 1
Information Architecture CALENDAR
Information Architecture EXAMPLE Princess Cruises
Information Architecture EXAMPLES Inspiration Interiors IKEA
Information Architecture INTRODUCTION skill survey intro to the course, me, & you game plan for the semester overview of the syllabus weekly and bi-weekly assignments assignment
Information Architecture IN-CLASS INTRODUCTIONS Name Goal for this semester What do you want to get out of this course? Ideal job that you eventually want What role/position do you want in that job? Have you ever done any freelance web design work? Have you ever worked on a professional web design project? Have you ever worked at a web design company?
Information Architecture GAME PLAN A and B Days “A” days will usually include a lesson “B” days will usually be working days 1 on 1 meetings every week on working days Weekly Quizzes & the Quiz Bowl Critiques Critiquing both the presenter and the critic Class participation grade “Post mortem” sessions
Information Architecture LESSON What is Information Architecture? chitecturehttp:// chitecture See chapter 5, pg. 120 of our text What is Usability? From Pg. 2 of out text: the degree to which people (users) can perform a set of required tasks. Considering a web site to be a “system”, the design goals should be: Functionally Correct Easy to Use Easy to Learn Easy to Remember Error Tolerant Subjectively pleasing
Information Architecture THE FULL DESIGN PROCESS Conceptual Design Mock-ups & Prototypes ProductionLaunch Requirements Analysis Evaluation
Information Architecture THE FULL DESIGN PROCESS Conceptual Design Mock-ups & Prototypes ProductionLaunch Requirements Analysis Evaluation
Information Architecture LESSON Discussion of Chapter 1 Target audience of the book The Design Process (visual) Requirements Analysis Visuals Schedule – pg. 19 & pg. 28 Staffing – pg. 27 Table on pg
Information Architecture LESSON The Applied Real World Design Process (in brief) RFP (Request for Proposal) – RFP document from company Internal Requirements Analysis Brief research – creative brief drafted Internal Brainstorming Meeting – meeting notes taken Client Presentation drafted (overview of recommendations, schedule, budget) Initial Client Meeting The Client Pitch (presentation) Meeting notes with Action Items Pre-production Documentation More thorough usability research (interviews, scenarios, checklists) Standard Client production documentation (schedule, budget, site maps, page maps, feature spec document, tech spec document) Production Documentation Feedback on the design (focus group results, user flow charts) Design Document (contains all IA research and decisions to date for the client to review) Post-production documentation Details for how to end the project (maintenance plans, style guide, server reports)
Information Architecture ASSIGNMENT Buy the book Usability for the Web by Tom Brinck, Darren Gergle, and Scott D. Wood Read the Introduction and Chapter 1 intro + pgs 1-35 there will be a quiz next week on Wed. Create a class web page for yourself to post all assignments The url should be Due: Week2
Information Architecture ASSIGNMENT Pick a web site to study throughout the semester Small company (not too big; a local company is ideal) You will be redesigning their home page and site IA. Come to class prepared to share the URL and discuss why you chose this company/site Due: Week2
Information Architecture QUESTIONS Now is your chance to ask any questions that you may have regarding the course.