Functional Foods & Phytochemicals Melissa Rutz 4/21/14 Nutrition
Definitions Functional Food- are foods that are eaten that contain something that is health promoting Phytochemicals- a wide variety of compounds that are produced by plants that help promote health
Functional Foods Ex: lycopene is found in tomato products which may provide health benefits that are beyond the basic nutrients by help prevent some cancers. Many health promoting ingredients in the functional foods are phytochemicals
Beans-are an inexpensive way to get lots of nutrients such as fiber, potassium, & many B vitamins Nuts-tree nuts contain healthy fats (mono/poly) but could contain heart healthy phytochemicals as well Cocoa-(dark chocolate) is a rich source of antioxidants that could protect blood vessels & heart Tea- green & black contains polyphenols that appears to be heart healthy Spinach- containing lutein that is a phytochemical that helps protect the eyes from cataracts & muscular degeneration Plant stanols/sterols- occur naturally in small amounts in plants but added to some margarines/foods and to help block the absorption of cholesterol
Additional Superfoods Could include the following
Berries Cabbage Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Citrus Fruits Pumpkin Soy Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Whole Grains
Extra Information Food manufacturers also add Thus results in Vitamins Minerals Phytochemicals &/ herbs To beverages and food Functional food & beverages Such as enhanced bottled water with vitamins & minerals Margarine w/plant stanols to lower cholesterol & energy drinks w/ taurine
Other foods known for phytochemicals Red Wine-in which it contains reversatrol that influences heart health in a positive way Tomatoes-in which it contains lycopene that could have anticancer properties Berries-such as blueberries & raspberries contain flavonoids that act as antioxidants Green tea- contains polyphenols that could have anticancer properties
Some phytochemicals act as antioxidants Broccoli- contains sulforaphane which lowers the risk of prostate cancer & aggressive prostate cancer Isoflavones- mostly found in soy foods, also known as phytoestrogens, may help lower risks of breast & ovarian cancer Flavonoids- are found in citrus fruits, onions, grapes, wine & tea, in which were thought to help prevent heart disease & cancer The cabbage family- also called cruciferous veggies, contain chemicals such as indoles & dithiolthiones in which lowers the risk of lung, colorectal, & prostate cancer Garlic- contains allicin a chemical that acts like an antioxidant that is similar to vitamin A, C & E. some evidence says that garlic may slightly lower blood cholesterol levels & blood pressure
Phytochemicals Foods Health effects Flavonoids Citrus fruits, berries, purple grapes, onions, tea(black/green), cocoa/choc, legumes/soybeans/soy prod, & whole grains Antioxidants, decreases inflammation, may protect against heart disease, stroke & cancer Anthocyanins Red, purple, & blue veggies: red cabbage, straw/black/blueberries, radishes, plumes, & eggplant Antioxidants, decreases inflammation, & may help combat cancer cells Quercetin Yellow fruits & veggies: apples/pears, citrus fruits, onions, some berries, black/green tea Antioxidants, decreases inflammation, & may help protect from heart disease, stroke & cancer Carotanoids Red, orange & yellow fruits & veggies, plus some green veggies Antioxidants, & may help protect from heart disease & cancer Lycopene Tomatoes, watermelon & pink grapefruit May help protect from heart disease & cancer
Phytochemicals Food Health effects Beta carotene Carrots, yellow bell peppers, & pumpkin May help protect from heart disease Lutein Green leafy veggies: kale, collards, spinach, romaine & broccoli, plus yellow corn Maintain healthy vision & protects eyes from cataracts & muscle degeneration, may help protect from heart disease Phenolic compounds Olive oil, red wine, black tea, coffee, some fruits & veggies Antioxidants, may help protect from heart disease & cancer Resveratrol Red/purple grapes, red wine, purple grape juice, cocoa/dark chocolate & peanuts May improve blood flow to brain & decrease chances of stroke May help protect from heart disease & cancer