In a large cave one can experience probably the closest man can get to total darkness There one can get some idea of the world without light and of the.


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Presentation transcript:

In a large cave one can experience probably the closest man can get to total darkness There one can get some idea of the world without light and of the absolute necessity of light on earth

USES OF LIGHT – Dispels darkness – Light supports life – Light source of all power on the earth – Light from the sun greatest source of energy known to man

GOD'S PEOPLE ARE CALLED LIGHTS – Light of the world Matt 5:14 – Shine as lights in the world Phil 2:15 – Children of light 1Thess 5:5 – Walk in the light 1Jhn 1:7 – Turn from darkness to light Acts 26:18 – Congregations called lampstands Rev 2&3

CHRISTIANS AS LIGHTS – Dispel darkness Psa 119:105; 1Jhn 1:5; Acts 26:18 – Light necessary for life Rom 6:23; Jhn 14:6 – There is power in light Rom 1:16; Isa 55:11 – Christians are lights (reflected light) - we exemplify the life of Christ 1Pet 2:21; Matt 5:16; 2Cor 3:2; 1Cor 11:1

FAILURE TO SHINE AS LIGHTS – If our light has gone out we are of no more use than salt that has lost it's savor – If we are not lights we are in darkness – If we walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth 1Jhn 1:6 – All liars have their part in the lake of fire Rev 21:8

Imagine ourselves as mirrors, reflecting the image of God and Christ Visualize old and new mirror - one reflects a distorted image the other doesn't Do you reflect the image of Christ or the image of the world Is you light burning bright on a candlestick or hidden under a bushel?