Exploration Mr. Griffin
What year was Jamestown founded?
In what current US state is Jamestown located in?
Who was Jamestown named in honor of?
King James I
What country colonized Jamestown?
What were the goals of the Jamestown Colony?
To find gold To find a trade route to Asia
Did the colonists in Jamestown ever discover gold?
How did the Jamestown Colonists “become wealthy”?
Growing Tobacco
What was the beginning of Representative Government in North America?
The House of Burgesses
What was the “Northwest Passage”?
A water route to Asia
What countries were exploring/colonizing land in North America?
England, France, Spain, the Netherlands
What Walt Disney movie was associated with Jamestown?
Who became a successful leader at Jamestown?
John Smith
What year did the Pilgrims arrive in North America?
The Plymouth Colony is located in what current US state?
What was the primary goal of the Pilgrims?
Religious Freedom
Where did the term “Puritan” come from?
Puritans wanted to “purify” the church.
Plymouth made profits by processing and exporting this product.
What were the Godspeed and the Discovery?
Ships that brought colonists to Jamestown
True or False The Plymouth Colony had to endure harsher winters than the Jamestown Colony
What is an apprentice?
Person who learns a trade from a “master” in a particular field
What colonist developed a “sweet” form of tobacco at Jamestown?
John Rolfe
True or False – ½ of the original colonists at Plymouth died during the first winter
Thanksgiving began in which colony?
Which colony was originally built on swamp land?
What is the willingness to let others practice their own customs and beliefs
What is the Sabbath
The holy day of rest
Where did slavery in North America begin?
Which colony had good relations with the natives – and poor relations with the Indians. Jamestown Plymouth Both
Which colony practiced some form of the Christian religion? Jamestown Plymouth Both
What is a “town meeting”?
Session in which citizens discuss and vote on local community issues