Query Health Operations Workgroup Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework January 12, :00am – 12:00am ET
Participation Instructions for WebEx Please Note: This session will be recorded Lines are open so please mute your line to avoid “Music on Hold” 1.Select the “Q&A” button in the WebEx toolbar. 2.Select “All Panelists” in the Q&A box. 3.Type your question and hit send. 4.We’ll call on you to state your comment / question.
Agenda Review and discuss the updated draft of the Query Health Data Use Agreement Potential 30/60/90 Day Plan for the Operations WG Discuss next steps for the Operations WG
Review of Draft Query Health DUA Discuss the language updates that were made to the Draft DUA Added sentence under ‘Data Protections’ stating Covered Data is not intended to become part of an EHR Section D now has language relevant to the concept of sub-contractors and the release of data Removed “Specified Level of Access” language under “Uses of Covered Data” Added language to Article K indicating the need to provide an address for sending written notice of termination of the agreement (this differentiates it from the introduction section). Participation Agreement is something separate for the DUA and may be revisited after some Pilots Discuss any additional comments from workgroup members Seeking Volunteer to help draft Pre-Amble to DUA explaining what it is and what it is not
Proposed Work Products Policy/Privacy/Security analysis of Query Health Technical Approach HIE Policy Sandbox Implications Support Pilots Operations WG Roadmap – 30 Days
Proposed Work Products HIE Policy Sandbox Implications Best practice guidance to navigate requirements/regulations Audit Requirement 1-pager Support Pilots Operations WG Roadmap – 60 Days
Proposed Work Products Identify opportunities to lower transaction cost of establishing a network and running queries Support Pilots Operations WG Roadmap – 90 Days
Immediate Next Steps Consensus from larger Query Health Initiative on DUA Workgroup to determine next target work product
Sample Data Use Agreement – key terms required for Query Health Consider the role of an HIE as a data provider. Separates the data owner from the data steward. May have impact on the policy sandbox. Best practice guidance where practitioners are running into differences in opinion on query requirements/regulations Identifying opportunities to lower the cost to establish a query network and run queries. May be situational. May be domain dependent. May require help from ONC policy makers. Need to ID highest impact opportunities without any change to regulations. Appendix: Proposed Work Products (From 11/30/11 Discussion)
Query Health Calendar Implementation Group Tuesdays 1:30pm-3:00pm EDT Clinical Work Group Wednesdays 12pm-1pm EDT Operations Work Group Thursdays 11am-12pm EDT Technical Work Group Thursdays 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT