{ Basic Electronics Components Mikayla Denny
Function: Stores electrical energy. Has polarity (positive and negative terminal) Battery
Function: Amplifies voltage or current. Has three terminals. Bipolar Transistor
Function: Slide or button that opens or closes a current. May have many terminals, but needs at least two. Switch
Function: Resists flow of current. Resistor
Function: Variable-value resistor; adjusts resistance by twisting shaft Potentiometer
Function: Special resistor varying resistance according to the intensity of the light hitting the surface. Photocell
Function: Temporary battery; stores small amounts of electricity. Ceramic Capacitor
Function: Stores large amounts of electricity; has polarity. Electrolytic Capacitor
Function: Allows current to flow through in a single direction. Has two leads. Diode
Function: Emits light when a current flows through. Has two terminals. Light Emitting Diode
Function: Allows current to flow only after a positive voltage is applied for a moment to the gate. SCR- Silicone Controlled Rectifier