By: Legende McGrath take my quiz
This is my true or false statement. Did they work in a factory? True False
More information you are correct they do work in a factory as well as a storage room to keep there tools in. next Question
This is a multiple choice question.who are they mostly a like? A B C gunsmith Glass blower hatter
More information you are correct they are both masters of forge, file, and wood next Question
This is a multiple question who did The job? women man kids
More information its hot filthy work at glowing, forge. next question
This is a multiple Question what tool does a founder not use? A. B. C. tongs Bellow anvil
More information they used many tools such as tongs and bellows,forge, crucible, hammer, file, grindstone Next Question
This is a multiple question what was the founders job? A. B. C. Who creates finished goods Who bangs metal Who makes bricks
More information you are correct who makes finished goods by pouring melted metal into gold