“Computer Training for Adults” Rita Lovell Alpine County Librarian
Alpine County
Stunning views and soothing sounds of nature
One sound is anything but soothing…
Time consuming Frustrating Disadvantage
Markleeville (County Seat)
...the Library!
Empowerment Home business Social Media Online learning
Project Goal Empower residents with basic computer skills they need to be personally and professionally successful.
Steps Secure a site Create curriculum Begin
Computer Lab High speed Internet connection 23 networked computer stations
Excellent teaching tool
Engaged learning
Results 17 regulars 6 drop-ins Increased skills for all They want more classes!
My Grant dollar$ in action $5,000 2 new laptops ($1,700) Staff help ($1,600) Pre-loaded flash drives ($700) Facilities use fees ($600)
Residents recieved Free computer training Experienced instructors Excellent facility “Tailored” curriculum New computers for Library
Project Challenges Weather Dial Up Access Staffing Creative name
Successes Attendance Enjoyed learning Gained Community and Board support We’re on the “radar” Library = County resource that meets community needs
Where do we go from here? Collaborate Share/Combine resources Keep momentum
Thank You!