Orientation Spring 2011 Denise Coffey MSN, RN
Concepts covered will include alterations in cellular regulation and cellular metabolism. Course material (power point & soft chalk) will be posted in Angel, please let me know if this is a problem. Angel access: or via mercer home page virtual collegehttp://mccc.angellearning.com/default.aspwww.mccc.edu Please contact the virtual college if you are unable to access Angel. I will communicate with you via mercer- , please be sure to check your frequently.
All medical clearance forms should be turned into the nursing office/Stephanie Horner by Friday January 14 th. This is your responsibility, if required documentation is not turned in dismissal from the nursing program may occur.
Course outline: posted on the nursing website please be sure to familiarize yourself with the course outline. If you have any questions or concerns please be sure to stay in touch with me either via mercer Phone: or Posted office hours MS 145
Lecture will be on Tuesdays in CM108. We will be utilizing different learning methods, so please be sure to have completed the required reading so you can participate. The nursing program handbook forms should be signed and handed in which state that you have read the handbook and understand the policies and content. If I do not received your signed forms from the back of the handbook you will be unable to sit for the midterm. Cheryl Lang will be the college lab instructor on Thursdays and Trish Patsaros will be the college lab instructor on Fridays. The college lab manual is available on the nursing web site and in Angel, please familiarize yourself with weekly objectives. Math will also be a part of every lab.
Quizzes will be given weeks 1,2,4 and 5. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. The midterm will be at the beginning of class week 3 and final will scheduled after week 5 lecture (date to be announced). A HESI medical surgical exam will be given week 15 of lecture after your scheduled class (either NRS 220,221 or 222). Please make note of this on your calendar. There is no grade assigned to this exam.
Please be in uniform and meet your clinical instructor in the lobby at 8am on your assigned clinical day. Punctuality and professionalism are as always very important. Orientation and computer training will take place the first day of clinical. Please see the course outline for additional information.
We will be working on an evidence-based- practice project. I will assist you in finding an article. We will be so up to date regarding recent findings in alterations in cellular regulation & metabolism! Paper guidelines are in the course outline.
Please be sure to stay in touch with me, I greatly value open communication and want you to have success in our program.