St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and optics The date of foundation: 1900 By Malyuchkov M., 11 b form
University History
Information technology Precision mechanics Optics Information technology - the basis of all specialties and areas of the University: Applied Mathematics and Informatics, photonics and optoinformatics, mechatronics, information technology in the design, control systems and computer science, laser technology and laser technology, telecommunications, customs and other.
Faculties Computer Technology and Management Information Technology and Software Natural Science Institute for Integrated Military Education Optical Information Systems and Technologies Engineering Physics Fine Mechanics and Technology Photonics and optoinformatics Humanitarian Institute of International Business and Law
Department of Engineering Physics Faculty Mechanics and Technology Faculty of Photonics and optoinformatics Faculty-optical information Systems and Technologies All departments - from engineering and the physical to the humanitarian? - Imbued with computer training
If you want to enter Computer and technical department you have to pass these exams: Russian language mathematics, physics or computer science.
ITMO I like to do with the computer so I'll try to go to this university.