Presentation of the Umalusi 2013/14 Annual Report to the Select Committee on Education and Recreation ______________________ 05 November 2014 Dr Mafu S Rakometsi 1
Purpose / Mandate Summarised External Environment : Impact on Umalusi Organisational Performance per Unit Financial Information Current Issues and Way Forward Conclusion Overview 2
Umalusi’s mandate is determined by two Acts namely: The National Qualifications Framework Act of 2008; and The General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act of 2001 amended in Mandate Summarised 3
Qualifications and Standards: Develop and manage a sub-framework of qualifications in collaboration with SAQA and the other two QCs supported by the necessary quality assurance policies and processes. Mandate Summarised 4
Quality Assurance: Develop and implement the necessary quality assurance policies i.r.o.: - Quality assurance of provision: Accredit private providers of education and training and assessment and monitor the public system; - Quality assure assessments at exit points and certify learner achievements Mandate Summarised 5
Information: Maintain a database of learner achievements and related matters; and submit such data in a format determined in consultation with the SAQA for recording on the national learners’ records database Research: Commission and publish research related to the development and implementation of the sub-framework of qualifications Mandate Summarised 6
Advice and Collaboration: Formalization of relationships which include: Advice to the relevant Minister on matters relating to the GFET sub-framework of qualifications Collaboration with the SAQA and other QCs in terms of the NQF Advocacy of the sub-framework and its qualifications Mandate Summarised 7
The NQF Act (2008): changes in the roles and responsibilities of the various bodies in the quality assurance landscape; The subsequent amendment of the various Acts that govern the work of the QCs which has required more capacity and a review of Umalusi’s positions and approaches; Differing models and views on the nature of standard setting and quality assurance External Environment : Impact 8
The National Development Plan (2011): Highlights education and training priorities that must be addressed in planning The process of collaboration with SAQA (and with the other QCs) in the transition to the NQF Act has meant that staff have been extensively involved in both Ministerial and SAQA task teams Finalisation of the NQF (December 2012): Ministerial regulation of the revised NQF (and sub-frameworks) The White Paper on a Post School System (Dec 2013): Provides a vision for the post school system External Environment : Impact 9
The Department of Higher Education and Training has created significant changes in terms of the Acts relating to colleges, but appears to be vacillating iro the suite of qualifications it wishes to offer: NC(V) task team report has been finalised and certain changes proposed, but the debates on the future of the NCV continue; uncertainty regarding the location of the N1 – N3 programmes continue The Department of Basic Education is implementing the CAPS - Umalusi is currently analysing the changes made to the curricula and the standard of the assessments The fate of adult learners remains uncertain as a decision has been taken to extend the Senior Certificate. This decision may affect planning for the roll out of the NASCA. External Environment : Impact 10
Umalusi sets and maintains educational standards and assures quality through a combination of processes and interventions. The 2012/2013 quality assurance regime included the following: - Evaluation and benchmarking of existing qualifications and curricula (Intended curriculum) and issuing authentic certificates; development of new qualifications and curricula - Ensuring through external moderation processes that assessments at exit points are of an acceptable standard and that examinations are conducted in a credible manner through verifying the national and provincial monitoring systems (Examined curriculum) - Quality Assurance Regime 2013/
- Ensuring that standardisation processes are reliable, consistent and that standardization decisions are upheld during resulting - Accrediting private institutions (schools, FET colleges and Adult Centres) to offer the qualifications Umalusi certifies (enacted curriculum) - Accrediting private assessment bodies to offer / assess the qualifications Umalusi certifies and monitoring of public assessment bodies Quality Assurance Regime 2013/
The role of QCC is to ensure and enhance the status and quality of the qualifications Umalusi certifies. Quality assuring the qualifications and their related curricula is QCC’s contribution to the overall quality of the certificate which Umalusi issues. This function also oversees the issuing and verification of certificates. (Qualifications: SC; NSC; N3; NCV 2,3,4; GETC: adults) Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification Unit (QCC) 13
Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Qualifications Sub-framework The GFETQSF was gazetted by SAQA (August 2013); NASCA registered on the NQF, December Umalusi provided guidance iro NASCA curriculum development. The General Education and Training Certificate (GETCA) published for public comment to replace GETC: ABET. Policies regarding the management of qualifications, curricula and certifications reviewed Qualifications Standards Committee met as per plan DBE and Umalusi review of the Senior Certificate Relationships with Departments, SAQA, QCs maintained Completed as per plan 14
Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Curriculum evaluated and benchmarked: FET CAPS project prioritized – 15 subjects analyzed; and benchmarked; exit level attainment established. Reports being finalized for publication and dissemination (June 2014) Longitudinal study across the four phases of schooling planned (CAPS) Being undertaken as per plan Certification : Certification systems (all qualifications) developed and/or enhanced Certification for all qualifications undertaken as data is submitted. 2013/14: certificates issued Verification undertaken as per service level agreements. 2013/14: verifications undertaken. Issued in line with directives and guidelines 15
This function entails establishing, maintaining and improving standards and quality in assessment at exit points in General and Further Education and Training. In order to fulfil this function, Umalusi uses five key processes: external moderation of question papers; verification of monitoring the conduct of examinations; external moderation of marking; external moderation of continuous assessment; and standardisation of assessment results. (Qualifications: SC; NSC; N3; NCV 2,3,4; GETC: adults) Quality Assurance of Assessments Unit (QAA) 16
Quality Assurance of Assessment April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Ext Moderation of Question Papers: NSC: 355 question papers (DBE + IEB ) 26 trial question papers (SACAI) ABET : 86 question papers (DHET + IEB) NCV level 2-4 : 264 and (NATED) 88 question papers SC : 77 question papers Completed as per plan Reports submitted to the Ministers of Basic and Higher Education on all 2013 exams Moderation of marking: NSC: 57 subjects (All on site) ABET: 17 learning areas across PDE’s & 7 learning areas (IEB) NCV level 2 -4 : 90 subjects and (NATED) 41 subjects Completed per plan Reports submitted to the Ministers of Basic and Higher Education on all 2013 exams 17
Quality Assurance of Assessments April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Internal assessment: NSC: Phase 1- 8 subjects across 4 PDE’s Phase subjects across 9 PDE’s Phase 3 – 14 subjects across PDE’s ; 12 (IEB) and 16 (SACAI) ABET: 26 Learning (SBA Tasks), 12 learning areas across 9 PDE’s and 4 (IEB) NCV: 32 subjects (L2-4) sampled across 50 colleges and (NATED) 38 subjects All internal assessment moderated as per plan Reports submitted to the Ministers of Basic and Higher Education on all 2013 exams Verifying monitoring conduct of exams: NSC: 333 sites ABET: 91 sites NCV: 60 sites SC : 72 sites All monitoring conducted as per plan Reports submitted to the Ministers of Basic and Higher Education on all 2013 exams 18
Quality Assurance of Assessments April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Monitoring marking of exams: SC: 99 sites ( 72 exam centres )and ( 27 marking centres) NSC: 294 sites (DBE); 14 (IEB) and 36 (SACAI) ABET: 112 sites NCV: 67 sites and 30 (NATED) Completed as per plan Standardisation: Assessment outcomes Standardised for 11 examinations (SC, NSC, NCV, N1- N3 and GETC: ABET Level 4). Completed as per plan Reports submitted to the Ministers of Basic and Higher Education on all 2013 exams 19
The evaluation and accreditation Unit is responsible for accrediting private institutions through quality assurance of their provision for the qualifications Umalusi certifies. The unit evaluates; The capacity of education and training providers to implement registered qualifications and approved curricula; and The quality of the enacted curriculum in providers i.e. teaching and learning at the required standard The capacity of assessment bodies to conduct practical, internal, and external assessment of learner achievement at the required standard, leading to the certification of registered qualifications Evaluation and Accreditation Unit (E&A) 20
Accreditation of Private Providers March 2013 – April 2014COMMENTS Independent Schools: New accreditation process opened in October 2013: 491 provisionally accredited schools granted full accreditation 118 granted 1 year provisional accreditation 572 new applications received Completed per plan FET Colleges: New accreditation process opened in Sept 2013: 312 applications received 241 accepted (rejected 71) Registration: 265 providers referred to DHET for registration Completed per plan AET Centres: New accreditation process opened in Sept 2013: 91 applications submitted 82 accepted (rejected 09) Completed per plan 21
Accreditation of Private Providers Institutional Site Visits April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Independent schools: No sites visited – due to the transition between old accreditation process and new accreditation process. Only 1 pilot site visit conducted in March 2014 as part of training. Site visits commenced in April 2014 Per plan Private FET: No sites visited – due to the transition between old accreditation process and new accreditation process. Site visits commenced in April 2014; 6 “change of address” site visit conducted Per plan Private AET: No accreditation site visits conducted due to transition between old accreditation process and new accreditation process. Site visits commenced in April 2014 Per plan 22
Evaluation and Accreditation of Assessment Bodies April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Independent Examinations Board (IEB) monitored for continued accreditation to assess the NSC IEB granted provisional accreditation to offer the GETC subject to an improvement plan Completed per plan Completed per PAJA SACAI monitored for continued provisional accreditation to assess the NSC in pilot exam 2013 and “state of readiness” for 2014 SACAI’s performance being monitored One new application for accreditation received to assess the GETC Currently in process of accreditation 23
The mandate of the SIR unit is to conduct research as identified by the needs of the organisation and report on the key indicators of quality and standards in general and further education and training; to establish and maintain databases; to lead statistical research and analysis; and to inform and provide statistical support for the work in other units. The SIR Unit also plays a role in organizational and professional development at Umalusi. Statistical Information and Research Unit (SIR) 24
Statistical Information and Research April 2013 – March 2014Comment A comparative report on the education landscape of the countries in the Southern African Association for Educational Assessment Report finalized Making educational judgments 2Report finalized National Senior Certificate matriculation results as predictors of academic success in higher education Report finalized Re-thinking ABET and community education – some thoughts on curriculum issues for adults’ Report published The Future of Rural Education: Research and Teaching Report published Towards a construct for assessing high level language ability in the National Senior Certificate examinations. Report published Item Response Theory - Related research conducted Ongoing 25
Governance and Office of the CEO (GOCEO) This unit ensures that: Strategic and Annual Performance Plans are in place and that the organisation carries out its remit Corporate Governance as per King 111 is implemented Umalusi’s work is advocated through a Communications and Public Relations strategy Stakeholder relationships are built and managed 26
Governance and Office of the CEO April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Strategic and annual performance plans developed, implemented and monitored New planning cycle developed and organisational reports published as required Policies developed and implemented after Council approval Performance evaluated and monitored quarterly Organisational governance maintained Council meetings conducted, committees supported and services rendered PR and communications strategy implemented Communication strategy implemented per plan Stakeholder relationships established and managed Relationships forged and maintained with political structures, DBE, DHET and other statutory and quality assurance bodies 27
Information Technology Infrastructure & Systems 28 April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Hardware procured 213 computer components 10 digital projectors 9 iPads 30 laptops 3 printers 1 R720 Server Equipment installed with SLA’s implemented and network support meeting expectations. 59 personal computers in total 23 servers in total 58 laptops in total 360 network points (includes the telephone points) in total 10 iPads in total Software 23 different applicationsSoftware licensing up to date. Network support Business continuity Disaster Recovery plan maintained. Implemented a VPN through Sita.
Information Technology Infrastructure & Systems 29 April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Management Information system MIS project is ongoing improving operational output Umalusi web site maintained and supported Online accreditation system for private providers implemented Mainframe Systems Certification system Verification system Quality Assurance systems Supported certification and the issuing of certificates for SC, N3, NCV, NSC and GETC Submitted data of learner achievements to SAQA for recording on the NLRD for the years 1992 to 2012 Supported the verification of qualifications Successfully supported the quality assurance of the examination resulting processes (Standardization and Statistical moderation)
Finance, HRD & Admin Support April 2013 – March 2014COMMENTS Finance, SCM and buildings Unqualified audit (history of organization) Creditors were paid within 30 days Surpluses invested at CPD All assets registered and labeled Clean audit this year. Internal renovations to building successful despite space constraints, therefore requested for purchase of additional premises next door Human Resources Management & Development Bursaries to staff – 8 In house training – 4 Short courses – 33 All 89 staff benefitted Vacancy rate – 12 % Turnover rate – 6 % Development of staff a priority with greater budget demands for 2013/14 and beyond 30
Financial Performance 2013/14 RevenueAmount Certification, verification and accreditation Department of Basic Education Grant Interest and other income Total IncomeR Expenditure SurplusR The surplus is due to : Increased accreditation applications Private FET college fee collections increased Interest income from reserves still not expended Reduced expenditure due to approval of posts to be filled over two financial years. 31
Financial Position 2013/14 Assets Property & equipment Intangible assets Current Assets Trade & other receivables Cash & cash equivalents TOTAL ASSETSR Equity Accumulated surplus Revaluation reserve Liabilities Trade & other payables Provisions TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIESR
UMALUSI 3 YEAR FORECAST /152015/162016/172017/18 R R R R R Shortfall → R R R R R R Budgets are expected to increase by CPI, but in Umalusi’s case true inflation costs like travel, accommodation, flights, etc. are way above CPI. Y/Y Percentage Increase 22%12%14%11% 10%5%
Total Income 2000/01 (actual) to 2017/18 (budget) YEARREVENUEBUDGETDBE GRANTGRANT% 2000/01R 6,150,786R /02R 7,027,948R /03R 13,757,861R 1,513, /04R 18,076,902R 3,050, /05R 23,547,626R 12,869, /06R 28,603,979R 7,690, /07R 32,972,345R 10,286, /08R 36,013,566R 12,652, /09R 46,434,368R 16,044, /10R 52,442,731R 16,494, /11R 59,464,754R 17,350, /12R 92,219,718R 18,391, /13R 81,527,016R 42,330, /14R 121,133,119R 97,662, /15R 134,808,098R 107,354, /16R 151,523,147R 112,705, /17 R 173,409,843R 118,678, /18R 193,296,806R 124,612,
Implementation of the GFETQSF (new qualifications and implications for QA processes, curriculum development, different interpretations of mandate, scope of the sub-framework) Setting standards for the GFETQSF (Norm referenced to Criterion referenced – use of IRT) New accreditation processes – roll-out Budget requirements in the years going forward i.t.o. grant Current Issues and the Way Forward 35
Umalusi wishes to thank the Honorable Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Mrs. LL Zwane and the members for their ongoing support Conclusion 36