Improving the Learning Environment with Technology in a way that gives you more free time!
How does technology influence life?
Describe some changes you have made in your classroom Use large sheets of paper posted around room for participants to write on. Try to list at least one change that has a positive and negative result.
Consider this list of resources currently being used by educators and describe how you would use each one in your classroom: File Organization - How to create, rename and copy files on your computer directory. Social Bookmarking Wordle Wikis Blogs Twitter NING Student response device (realtime) – like Pole anywhere, classroom clickers, etc… Collaborative documents – Google Doc’s Second Life Communication tools – IM, Skype, poles, chats, . Ability to evaluate Web sources to determine accuracy and usefulness Utilize Online tools available for research and discovery Software Programs - Renweb, Microsoft Office components, and PDF Hardware Equipment – Changing printer cartridges, connecting projectors to computers
How is technology impacting the classroom learning environment?
Complete the chart below after referring to the resources on survey :
Target Technology Resources to Learn Blogs Wiki Social Bookmarking Service
Content Standards and Benchmarks for school year Use creativity and innovation to generate ideas, products, or processes using current technology. Use technology to participate in a broader community through networking, collaboration and learning. Recognize and practice legal and responsible behavior in the use and access of information and technology. Use technology as a tool to access, research, manage, integrate, and communicate ideas and information.
Major Objectives Identify tools that will positively impact your effectiveness as an instructor. Find at least one way to broaden your professional network. Implement a strategy that increases the opportunities for professional growth. Integrate a new strategy that has a positive direct impact on your students.
Specific Objectives to complete… Identify tools that will positively impact your effectiveness as an instructor. Note: new doesn’t mean effective… use only if it works. What to do.. 1. Review Blog, wiki and social bookmarking options via Internet research.
Technology Resources to Explore Blogs Wikis Social Bookmarking
Here is where I would … Model… Demonstrate… Allow learners to engage and discover… The various parts of BLOG, Wiki, SB… Created Blog at
Actually Use or subscribe to… BLOG, WIKI, SB Teachers will reflect what they have learned using blog entries…
Wrap up Learners will pair and share some things they learned. Mention areas of opportunity and challenge.