Distributed Learning: Our University’s Future
21 st Century Educational Issues: Government funding reduction of 8% next year Student enrollment exceeds classroom availability 40% of Freshman will not graduate from this University Faculty empowerment through technological support Business partnerships are declining "Nevertheless, the research universities have too often failed, and continue to fail, their undergraduate populations. Tuition income from undergraduates is one of the major sources of university income, helping to support research programs and undergraduate education, but the students paying the tuition get, in all too many cases, less than their moneys worth.“-- The Carnegie Foundation
21 st Century Learners: Revitalized Faculty 21 st Century Graduates Distributed Learning Targeted high enrollment courses for undergraduate students Specialized graduate courses for cadres receiving master degrees Distance learning course work for targeted master degrees Multimedia instruction Corporate partnerships for employee certification 24/7 Library Media access 24/7 Technological support World wide collaboration of resources
Targeted changes……… 21 st Century Learning Modules: On-line mini lectures Discovery exercises Interactive discussions with on-line quizzes Simulated activities PowerPoint presentations Audio & Video Conferencing Podcasts, Wikis, Discussion boards Intro to Computer Science (2600) High Enrollment Undergrad Courses Calculus (1100)Physics (750) Chemistry (650)Intro to Engineering (650) Economics (325)Biology (280) Intro to Psychology (900)Spanish I (1200) DL Studio Class: 40 – 60 students per class Specific instructional coursework taught in a rotational schedule Students rotate once a targeted learning is completed Presentations and assessments are posted on-line
Expected Outcomes: 40% 30% 20%18.7% 10%9.3%3%1% 1 st Qtr2 nd Qtr3 rd Qtr4 th Qtr University Graduates Who: Have 21 st Century job skills Are literate in technological communication Have a global marketing perspective Are highly motivated analytical synthesists Perform well in experimentation simulations in order to trouble shoot projected outcomes Projected Freshman Dropout Rate DL Satisfaction Instructor +15% Student +20% Examination Scores +25%