Isabella of Portugal by Rogier van der Weyden
Elizabeth of York
1533 Lady by Agnolo Bronzino (Stadelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt Germany)
1540 Lucrezia Panciatichi by Agnolo Bronzino (Uffizi)
1543 Lady Margaret Butts by Hans Holbein the Younger
1544 Mary at the age of 28 by Master John
1548 Empress Isabel by Titian (Prado)
1550 Eleonora de Toledo by Bronzino (Uffizi)
1551 Maria de Medici by Bronzino (Uffizi)
Mary Tudor by Antonis Mor (Prado)
Elisabeth de Valois
1570 Madeleine le Clerc du Tremblay by Clouet
Clelia Farnese by Jacopo Zucchi
1579 Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia by Sanchez Coello
Grand Duchess Bianca Capello de Medici with her son by Lavinia Fontana
Court Lady by Lavinia Fontana (Philip Mould)
Isabel Clara Eugenia – year 1598
1598 Isabel Clara Eugenia by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
Portrait of Queen Elizabeth by George Gower
Elizabeth, the Golden Age Cate Blanchett actress
Mary Stuart face
Katherine Parre
1623 Elizabeth of Bohemia by Jansz. van Miereveldt
Infanta Margarita Teresa de España, Empress of Austria
1830 Maria Cristina by Lopez y Portana head and face
Catherine de Médicis, Reine de France by Tito di Santi
Madame Palatine by Hyacinthe Rigaud (Versailles)
Music :Mozart Rondo Turca Queen Mary of England figurine