Assessment in Berwick Middle School. David Mulholland 1
2 APP Project (Sep 09) Aims: To improve continuity and progression in learning and teaching and assessment across the Y6-Y7 transition, (and across the school and across the phases). Improve pupil understanding of assessment
Taking it forward Work evaluation Teacher and pupil questionnaires Assessment data lesson observations staff meetings Teacher workshop Strategic planning for consistency
Teachers’ feedback Where on the continuum below do you believe the responsibility for a child’s progress lies? On average, where do you think the children see it?
What percentage (of pupils) can justifiably claim: I know how to evaluate my work I know whether I am making good progress I know what I need to do to improve I can discuss my strengths and weaknesses with confidence
Teachers’ workshop Teachers at the heart of improvement planning Empowering the staff to move forward together APP to enhance learning partnerships
7 Key bits of advice Build on existing good practice Involve staff – tap into the commitment and skill of (key) staff Use strategy and consultant support Root it all in whole school improvement planning
8 What do we do next? conduct follow-up pupil questionnaire. extending / sharing good practice. embedding with other systems... learning, assessing, tracking and intervening recording and reporting monitoring, evaluating and development planning subject and school leadership partnership liaison identifying strengths and areas for development.
A collaborative approach to progress interviews Chris Durie
Universal Progress Interviews All pupils undertake a survey exploring how they see their place in their progress All pupils complete a prompt sheet prior to the interview Teachers use a pupil’s responses as the starting point for discussions
Focused Progress Support A focus group is identified through: –tracking data and information (including APP) –responses to pupil survey –professional judgement Prior to the interview, the pupils discuss their progress with their teachers (using the prompt sheet provided) An extended progress interview is conducted Following the interview, the pupils draw up their own action plan and discuss it with their Progress Adviser A review meeting is scheduled with the pupil
Key aim: To thread the pupils’ responsibility for their progress throughout the process Key adults: - Progress Adviser - Form tutor - Subject teachers - 1:1 tutor (if applicable)
What next?