November 30 th, 2010
Today we will do the following: 1. Characters and overview 2. Lenses 3. Act 1, sc. 1-2 Preview 4. Here we go ! Hint: Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to impress this person.
Who will you meet? - Navigate the room to find the main characters and descriptions of those peeps. What’s this all about? - Navigate the room to find out the topics we’ll discover while reading…your lens!
- Ugly looking women - Women with beards - Prophesize the future - Only found in 4 scenes of the play - Typically illustrate the idea of fate vs freewill because of their ability to tell the future. Witches
- King of Scotland - Model of virtue and benevolence to his people and followers. - Gets in the way of Macbeth’s “fate” Duncan
- Son of Duncan - Initially appears weak and fearful. - Then, challenges Macbeth with the help of Macduff Malcom
- The tragic hero of the play. - Brave soldier, powerful man, and successful general of Scotland - Thane of Glamis, then named Thane of Cawdor - Tempted to overthrow the King because of a prophesy Macbeth
- Deeply ambitious and lustful for power - Seems quite powerful over her husband from the beginning of the play - She uses her sexuality to control Macbeth Lady Macbeth
- Told that his sons will become kings - He chooses to take the opposite path to Macbeth Banquo
- Scottish noblemen who stands up to Macbeth’s rule - Seeks vengeance for the death of loved ones…. Macduff
Rachel Virginia Dana Discover the different roles women and men take in the play. How have they changed from then until now? How do gender roles affect the action of the play?
Victor Brianna Brittany How are things only as they appear? Do characters put on acts in order to achieve what they want? Do some actions only appear to be cowardly when they are really strategic?
Eric Joey Marissa Do the characters’ decisions create their future, or is their future decided by some sort of fate? Does the prediction of fate impact a character’s decisions?
Bela Lauren Patricia Can a person’s guilt change their beliefs of a prior action? Can the weight of a guilty conscience destroy a person both physically and mentally?
Emily Jake Sandy At what point does an influential leader’s control turn them into a tyrant?
Dean Adam Nikki Lucas How does Shakespeare use light and dark imagery to depict the tone of the play? Who does he assign dark imagery to? Who does he assign light imagery to?
Read Act I, scenes 1-2, pp. 7-13