The Seed Drill Jethro Tull: c. 1701
The Coming of the Railroads: The Steam Engine Thomas Newcomen The steam engine Water Pump (1709)
Flying Shuttle John Kay: 1733
The Spinning Jenny Hargreaves’s machine James Hargreaves: 1764
The Water Frame Powering the spinning jenny: Horses The water wheel (1769) Richard Arkwright
Selective Breeding Select animals with the best characteristics Produce bigger breeds Robert Bakewell and others: The Longhorn in 1769
James Watt’s Steam Engine Condenser Increased efficiency (1775)
Innovations: The Threshing Machine Andrew Meikle: c. 1796
Trevithick’s Engine In 1801, Richard Trevithick first attached a steam engine to a wagon. Trevithick’s engine was not successful for moving people, but he had planted the idea of human train transport.
Steam-Powered Water Transport In 1807, Robert Fulton attached a steam engine to a ship called the “Clermont.” The steam engine propelled the ship by making its paddle wheel turn.
Stephenson’s Rocket George Stephenson: c. 1829
The Telegraph Samuel F.B. Morse 1844
Steel Henry Bessemer The Bessemer converter 1858
The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace The Great Exhibition of 1851 in London was mounted to symbolize Great Britain’s economic, industrial, and military superiority.
Growth of Railroads