Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June 2007 Methods and Practices on Seasonal Adjustment in the European Statistical System (Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment) Project leader: Erika Földesi Presented by Tamás KOTULICS
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Contents of the presentation The main actions of the project The aim of the Handbook Structure and contents of the Handbook
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Main Actions Preparatory phase of the project Collecting the current practices of statistical offices Create a website ( ) Analysing phase Analysing and comparing the collected practices Elaborating the recommended practices
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Main Actions (cont.) Draft version Compiling the draft version of the Handbook Collecting opinions about the draft Workshop Presentations about the best practices Discussing the draft version of the Handbook Compiling the Handbook Compiling the second draft version of the Handbook Collecting opinions on it Compiling the final version of the Handbook
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Workshop Budapest, 9 November 2006 32 participants from 23 countries 3 representatives from Eurostat and OECD Programme: presentation and discussion of the draft Handbook presentations of the NSI’s representatives on seasonal adjustment practices quality aspects of seasonal adjustment process presentation and discussion of the recommended practices and Quality Report on seasonal adjustment Discussion on quality and software of seasonal adjustment – proposed by Statistics Sweden
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June The aim of the Handbook To synthesize the applied seasonal adjustment practices and methods To collect information on the quality of seasonally adjusted data production process To publish a complete description on seasonal adjustment for all statistical offices in the European Statistical System which contains also recommended practices a proposal for quality report on seasonal adjustment.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Contents of the Handbook 1.Introduction 2.Brief Historical Background 3.Basic Definitions 4.Summary of Seasonal Adjustment Practices in NSI’s 5.Methods and Software 6.Recommended Practices for Seasonal Adjustment 7.Proposal for Quality Report on Seasonal Adjustment
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Table of Contents - Annex I.Questionnaire for Handbook on SA II.Results III.NSI’s practices IV.Methods and Software V.Eurostat Recommendations VI.Quality Measures for Seasonal Adjustment VII.Proposal for Quality Report
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Response rate
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Seasonal adjustments methods used I.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Seasonal adjustments methods used II.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Seasonal adjustments methods used III.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment STES WP June Contact information Name:Erika Földesi Web: Fax: Thank you for your kind attention!