Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Added dates for new staff course Qualitative data analysis with NVIVO 8 software Provides tools for managing and analysing interviews, focus groups and documentation multimedia data e.g. graphics, audio and video Three mornings : 1 Managing, organising and coding qualitative data Thursday 7 May 09 2 Querying you data; linking, modelling and reporting Thursday 14 May 3 Analysis of multimedia data (images, audio and video) Monday 18 May Book through Alex Friend of Computer Services
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development OCSLD online course Engaging Learning with Social Software OCSLD online course (4.5 weeks) Harness the potential of social software tools for interactivity and engagement and their incorporation in authentic learning activities 3 June – 3 July
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Web 2.0 lunchtime sessions Tuesday 17 March “ Social book-marking and web annotation for learning and teaching” Venue: Media Workshop training room Time: – 1.00 Then fortnightly Tuesdays from 28 April: - Google docs - Skype - Re-usable Learning Objects +June+2009https://mw.brookes.ac.uk/display/c4el/Web+2+sessions+March+- +June+2009