Test Preview – Julius Caesar Tuesday, January 10 3 Grades! 50 Point Test Vocab Quiz – Unit 6 on Monday
Part A. Matching 21 Questions Characters listed at top (Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Antony, Octavius, Portia, Calpurnia, Titinius, Artemidorus, Casca, Cinna, Lepidus, Cicero, Metellus Cimber, Flavius, Marullus, Soothsayer, Strato, Pindarus) + Pompey, Shakespeare
Part B. Quotations 9 Questions Listed at top: A. Antony C. Caesar B. Brutus D. Cassius Then, 9 quotations are given. You only need to write the letter of the speaker on you answer sheet.
Part C. Short Answers (2 pts. Ea.) 5 questions on the concept of tragedy, tragic hero, tragic flaw, blank verse. Plus, 2 quotes from the play are given. You must identify the Act, Scene, Speaker, and Meaning. Each quote is 5 points (1 point each for Act, Scene, Speaker; 2 points for meaning)
Character Review CaesarDR, Brutus EV, Cassius OC, AntonyEB, Octavius DJ, Portia EG, Calpurnia BC, Titiniusmg, Artemidorus AF, Casca TI, Cinna AB, LepidusRB, Cicero tn, Metellus Cimber JD, FlaviusCB, MarullusBCAR, SoothsayerMS, Strato, PindarusAC) + PompeyMM, Shakespeare JY
Part C Review Tragedy SM Tragic Hero ba Tragic FlawAS Blank Verse ms Iambic Pentameter KB