Los Alamos High School Science Department Presented to the LAPS School Board September 29, 2011
Who are we? What are we doing and why? How is it working? What are we doing to improve?
Who are we? 9 Science Teachers
What are we doing and why? Goals School Board’s “100%” non-negotiable goals Develop skills of observation and analysis Meet and exceed all state science standards Prepare students for further study Increase scientific and mathematical literacy
What are we doing and why? General Course Sequence Physics Chemistry Biology
What are we doing and why? Freshman Year Conceptual Physics (Pre-Alg, Alg) Advanced Physics (Geometry) Resource Physics (by IEP only)
What are we doing and why? Sophomore Year Chemistry SOC Chemistry Advanced Chemistry Resource Chemistry(by IEP only)
What are we doing and why? Junior Year Biology SOC Biology Advanced Biology Resource Biology(by IEP only)
What are we doing and why? Advanced Sciences (Jr & Sr Year) AP Physics B AP Physics C AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science Honors Anatomy & Physiology Forensic Science Historical Geology Physical Geology Oceanography
How is it working?
7 th Grade Science SBA 75% Proficient or Higher 11 th Grade Science SBA 82% Proficient or Higher
How is it working?
Freshman Pass Rate 96.1% Physics 93.4% 4 Core classes
How is it working?
What are we doing to improve? Weekly PLC Meetings Common Assessments Freshman Academy Saturday School Academic Time Textbook Adoption Vertical Alignment