Center for Advanced Energy Studies Harold S. Blackman Interim Director, CAES July 18, 2007
A public/private partnership Facilitate government, university and industry collaboration –Energy Research –Policy Conceptualization –Education & Training Maximize the utilization of resources Expand researcher-to-researcher collaborations Improved access to research facilities & equipment Enhance student educational opportunities Create a network of networks Universities, Industry, Laboratories Center for Advanced Energy Studies Bringing together resources, capabilities and expertise for energy self-reliance
Enhance Educational Opportunities Establish a network of networks –Academic Centers of Excellence –Expand researcher-to-researcher collaborations Idaho-Affiliated Universities National University Consortium Other partner institutions Enhanced Educational Programs –Enriched Curriculum –Hands on practical work experience Scholarships, Internships, etc. Professional/Educational exchanges –Visiting scientists, staff, faculty, students
Advance Energy Research Integrated research agenda –Nuclear Energy Advanced Fuel Cycle Material Sciences –Fossil Energy Carbon Management Oil Shales –Renewable Energy Biofuels –Cross Cutting Advanced Modeling Energy/Water Nexus Public Policy Enhanced technical collaboration –Multi-organizational involvement –Joint Appointments Recruit/retain outstanding scientists –Graduate students integrate universities & laboratory
INL Research Centers provide enabling base capabilities and foster technical interactions Center for Advanced Modeling and Simulation –Increase capability in modeling and simulation of advanced energy systems Center for Nuclear Fuels and Materials Research –Increase capacity for commercial fuels and materials examination Center for Space Nuclear Research –Reinvigorate research and education in space nuclear engineering Center for Nuclear System Design and Analysis –Increase engineering, design, construction and project management capabilities
CAES Facility ISU/UI University Place INL S&T Campus CAES User-Facility will expand the integrated University/INL S&T Campus University Place, Idaho Falls –Joint Occupancy (~150) High Performance LEED™ Silver –Multi-purpose, flexible 55,000 Ft 2 –50% Offices & 50% Laboratories –High Speed Computing Network Construction Completion – 6/08
CAES Facility - Laboratory Themes and Capabilities Modeling and Simulation Lab Visualization Lab Advanced Imaging Lab Hydrogen Laboratory Materials Laboratory Chemistry Laboratory Radiochemistry Laboratory
Idaho University Tour of INL – May 15, 2007 CAES hosted 60 Research Faculty from BSU, ISU and UI –To become more familiar with INL principal investigators, facilities, equipment and ongoing energy research programs –Facilitate networking between the four CAES member institutions –Obtain suggestions for further enhancing collaborations –Identify collaborative research opportunities that should be pursued
Workshop/Tour Results and Path Forward Identified new Collaboration Opportunities –Idaho Sustainable Energy Proposal Idaho Higher Education –Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Policy Proposal U.S. Department of Energy –Industry/University Material Science Research Proposal U.S. National Science Foundation 2008 CAES Energy Conference (under consideration) Collaboration Tools are under development –Capabilities Catalog –Web-based Portal System
Economic Development Opportunities Create an atmosphere that fosters government-university-industry collaboration Economic Development –Industrial Partnerships, Consortia –Regional and State economic development Technology Transfer/Commercialization –Partnerships Contract Research Technical Assistance Cooperative Research & Development (CRADA) –Patent process Licensing
Closing Thoughts To meet global energy demand we will need ALL available technologies and energy sources Secure, sustainable, affordable, environmentally sensitive To prepare the next generation of energy experts Maximize the utilization of government, academic, and industrial resources Create premier user-facilities to promote collaboration Revitalize energy-related (S&E) education Increase student enrollment/graduates (BS/MS/PhD) Enhanced education with practical research experience Disseminate research results through seminar series, workshops, short courses, conferences and publications