5 Beneficial Uses of Radiation
1. Radioisotopes allow us to date organic objects, such as rock layers, fossils and other artifacts. Carbon 14 ( 14 C) Phosphorus 32 ( 32 P) Radioisotopes allow us to find leaks, weak spots, and wear on metal pipes and surfaces that rub together.
2. Radiotracers allow us to see pathways inside the body. 131 I can be used to see the thyroid gland. 24 Na and 59 Fe allows us to see the circulatory system. 32 P allows us to see bones
3. Radioimmunoassays detect very, very small amounts of chemicals in the body, such as pregnancy hormones and early signs of cancers.
4. MRI Magnetic resonance imaging Gives detailed images of internal structures
5. Radiation can be used to kill harmful cells Kill bacteria in food Kill cancer cells