Current Problems and Constraints 2 2 Improvement Strategies for the Archaeological Survey System 3 3 Expectations 4 4 Action Plan 5 5 Introduction 1 1 Contents
I. Introduction Scope Areas of development work covering a project area of no less than 30,000 ㎡ (Cultural Heritage Protection Act, Article 91 ) Aim Identification of any cultural or archaeological heritage in the project area Methods Desk-based assessment & field evaluation through visual examination Scope Areas of development work covering a project area of no less than 30,000 ㎡ (Cultural Heritage Protection Act, Article 91 ) Aim Identification of any cultural or archaeological heritage in the project area Methods Desk-based assessment & field evaluation through visual examination Ground Survey Excavation Scope Areas identified as possible cultural or archaeological heritage sites according to the ground survey Aim Protection of heritage prior to development or construction Methods Trial excavation & in-depth excavation Scope Areas identified as possible cultural or archaeological heritage sites according to the ground survey Aim Protection of heritage prior to development or construction Methods Trial excavation & in-depth excavation
1,529 ground surveys (644 ㎢ ) 1,259 excavations (43 ㎢ ) * 70% of surveys were conducted in land development and industrial complex construction areas Annual cost: 230 billion Won (on developer-pays principle) 1,529 ground surveys (644 ㎢ ) 1,259 excavations (43 ㎢ ) * 70% of surveys were conducted in land development and industrial complex construction areas Annual cost: 230 billion Won (on developer-pays principle) Statistics of Archaeological Surveys in 2007 Classification of research institutions Public institutions 29 (20.6%) Others 6 (4.2%) Universities 65 (46.1%) Private institutions 41 (29.1%) 141 (1,881 researchers) Number of archaeological surveys Ground surveys Excavations
II. Current Problems and Constraints While needs for excavation works increase by 20% annually, the number of researchers increase by 5% only per annum While needs for excavation works increase by 20% annually, the number of researchers increase by 5% only per annum In 2007 out of 66 million ㎡ that needed excavation, 43 million ㎡ (64%) were excavated Number of Development plans Excavation area ( ㎢ ) ´03´04´05´06´07 Researchers ,573 1,604 1,649 1,8841,881 Poor recognition as a 3D job (dirty, difficult & dangerous) Stringent requirements for laboratory, excavation and preservation equipments and professional qualification for researchers Only 8% of 250 archaeology graduates are hired as researchers annually Strict criteria for institution establishment An institution authorized by a local government can work only within its jurisdiction Areas of surveys and excavations limit on local institutions Lack of professional researchers and research institutions 37,140 49,756 51,698 63,637 76,568
Excavation Developer Signing a contract with a research institute (developer) Permission Excavation and submission of report Administrative consultation & decision Application for excavation (76 days taken) Ground Survey Complicated & Long Administrative Procedures ( 64 days taken ) Developer Signing a contract with a research institute (develope r) Ground survey Administrative consultation and decision Si/Gun/Gu gov Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) Si/Gun/Gu gov. Cultural Heritage Administration Si/Gun/Gu gov. Cultural Heritage Administration Si/Gun/Gu gov.
Low Predictability Insufficient standards for survey cost & duration estimation Vague regulations on commencement time of survey Unclear standards for defining the excavation range & in situ preservation criteria Heavy burden on developers due to poor standards
III. Improvement Strategies Promoting Public Convenience Improving Predictability Strategy 1 Strategy 1 Reducing survey needs Reducing survey needs Strategy 1 Strategy 1 Reducing survey needs Reducing survey needs Strategy 3 Strategy 3 Simplifying administrative procedures Strategy 3 Strategy 3 Simplifying administrative procedures Strategy 4 Strategy 4 Expanding a watching brief system Expanding a watching brief system Strategy 4 Strategy 4 Expanding a watching brief system Expanding a watching brief system Strategy 5 Establishing official and objective survey standards Strategy 5 Establishing official and objective survey standards Fast and Accurate Public Service Strategy 2: Increasing supply Strategy 2: Increasing supply of skilled professionals of skilled professionals Strategy 2: Increasing supply Strategy 2: Increasing supply of skilled professionals of skilled professionals
Early Establishment of the Archaeological Heritage GIS Reducing Survey Needs Strategy ① Reducing an average of 64 days per survey Relocation of ground survey researchers to excavation sites Reducing an average of 64 days per survey Relocation of ground survey researchers to excavation sites Establishing the Archaeological Heritage GIS Service by 2008 Establishing the Archaeological Heritage GIS Service by 2008 to replace ground surveys to replace ground surveys
Easing restrictions for establishing and operating research institutions Increasing Supply of Skilled Professionals Easingrequirements for requisite facilities, equipments and academic and working careers of researchers Easing requirements for requisite facilities, equipments and academic and working careers of researchers Strategy ② From 11 researchers to 7 Easing the academic and work requirements Researchers Facilities owned by each institution shared between institutions No regional restriction for research institutions No regional restriction for research institutions (local jurisdiction (Si/Do) nationwide) (local jurisdiction (Si/Do) nationwide)
복잡한 행정절차의 획기적인 단축 Simplifying Administrative Procedures Strategy ③ Simplifying Administrative Procedures Direct operation of CHA without passing Si/Gun/Gu govts Direct operation of CHA without passing Si/Gun/Gu govts Shortening the time required for reviewing and processing Shortening the time required for reviewing and processing Developer Si/Gun/Gu CHA Si/Gun/Gu Developer CHA Developer 140 Days40 Days
Action ④ : 12% (‘07) over 24% (‘08) Improved professors, researchers of public institutions Current a researcher of a private institution Wider qualification of watching brief experts Wider qualification of watching brief experts Wider application of a watching brief system Wider application of a watching brief system 현장 업무처리 Undertaking a watching brief within an area of low heritage site possibility Authorized experts ‘watching’ the digging work of the construction site (no excavation work) Undertaking a watching brief within an area of low heritage site possibility Authorized experts ‘watching’ the digging work of the construction site (no excavation work) Strategy ④ Expanding a watching brief system
Strategy ⑤ Establishing official and objective standards Minimizing arbitrary legal interpretation and improving predictability Standardization of criteria for estimation of cost, duration and manpower needed for a survey Establishment of an objective and reasonable criteria for in situ preservation of an excavated site Revision of over-generalized and arbitrarily interpretable legal provisions Standardization of criteria for estimation of cost, duration and manpower needed for a survey Establishment of an objective and reasonable criteria for in situ preservation of an excavated site Revision of over-generalized and arbitrarily interpretable legal provisions ※ Establishment of the criteria for altering current conditions around a heritage site
IV. Expectations Reduction of lands awaiting excavation Now ㎢ 0㎢0㎢ Now ,881 persons 2,800 persons Increase of manpower supply Now days Shortened length of administrative procedures Now bil won 172 bil won Cut on survey costs 40days
V. Action Plan Operate the established GIS (from Jan 1, 2009) Operate the established GIS (from Jan 1, 2009) Construct 2 collection storage and preservation facilities Construct 2 collection storage and preservation facilities Operate the established GIS (from Jan 1, 2009) Operate the established GIS (from Jan 1, 2009) Construct 2 collection storage and preservation facilities Construct 2 collection storage and preservation facilities Within 3 months Streamline relevant regulations and laws Streamline relevant regulations and laws Establish standards for cost estimation and length of survey Shorten administrative procedures Increase watching brief experts Ease preconditions for establishment of a research institute Establish standards for cost estimation and length of survey Shorten administrative procedures Increase watching brief experts Ease preconditions for establishment of a research institute Within 1 month Convert regional institutions into nationwide institutions Convert regional institutions into nationwide institutions Operate a Call Center for Archaeological Survey Operate a Call Center for Archaeological Survey Convert regional institutions into nationwide institutions Convert regional institutions into nationwide institutions Operate a Call Center for Archaeological Survey Operate a Call Center for Archaeological Survey In 2009
The Cultural Heritage Administration endeavors to strengthen national competitiveness through advancing survey methods and administrative measures regarding cultural heritage.