Developing in the Darkroom
Developing Film Supplies: Developing Tank Film Reel Can Opener Scissors Film Chemicals Developer Acid Stop Bath Fixer 1 4 2 3 5
Enter a completely dark space. Open film canister, trim the end, & wind onto the film reel. Insert reel into developing tank.
5. Wash 4. Cycle through Chemicals Developer (develops the film – images appear) Acid Stop Bath (stops chemical reaction so that film stop developing) Fixer (“seals the film”)
6. Hang to dry. 7. Cut into strips (Negatives)
Creating a Print Enlarger Place negatives into protector sheet & develop contact print to test exposure time for photos.
Choose an image & expose to photo paper. Cycle through Developer, Acid Stop Bath, & Fixer Enlarger (Expose Paper) Developer Acid Stop Bath Fixer
Wash & Dry. You’re done!
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