VELOPEX EXTRA - X Mk 1V Automatic dental X-ray film Processor
Turn off the Power supply on the wall and on the machine
Prepare equipment for cleaning
Unlock the lid of the machine
Inside: 3 tanks + 1 Dryer
Chemical Waste Containers
Drain Fixer, Developer & Water by removing “Drain plugs”
Place “transport module” in a sink of hot water
Use the provided “Brush” to clean
Clean the “Developer tank” 1st, “Fixer tank 2nd”, “Water tank” last
Replacement of “Module”: Developer - Fixer - Water – Dryer after cleaning
Chemicals Filling Developer & Fixer
Fill Fixer 1st, then Developer to the level nearest the “Drain plug”
Finish Close and lock the lid
Finish Run Test film
Keep Record of the machine cleaning & chemical changing date Using the Chart provided