Fetal Development Parenting Class Unit 2
Signs of Pregnancy: Missed Period Morning Sickness (nausea) Fatigue Breast Tenderness
First Trimester: Week 1-13 Prenatal DevelopmentEffects on Mother 1. Cell multiplication1.Morning sickness 2. Face, eyes, ears, bones form 2. Missed menstrual period 3. All organs present, although immature 3.Fatigue 4. Frequent urination
First Trimester 1. Month 1 : Smaller than the size of a grain of rice, weighs less than 1 ounce. By end of the first month, the heart is beating and the brain, nervous system, arms & legs start to form. 2. Month 2: Smaller than the size of a grape (1”); still less than 1 ounce. Major organs (heart and lungs) are fully formed. 3. Month 3: About size of a pickle (4”); weighs little more than 1 ounce. Teeth start developing; may hear heart beat.
Second Trimester: Week Prenatal DevelopmentEffects on Mother 1.Suck thumb, swallow, hiccup, eyes closed 1. Most discomfort of early pregnancy are gone 2. Fetus becomes active, teeth develop 2. Mother can feel the baby 3. Fat begins to be deposited under the skin, practice breathing begins 3. A lot of fetal movement
Second Trimester 1. Month 4: About as long as a carrot (6”); weighs 5 ounces. Has eyelashes and eyebrows; kicks and moves. 2. Month 5: As long as an eggplant (8-12”); weighs about 1 pound. Has fingernails now! 3. Month 6: As long as a pineapple (12”); weighs about 1 ½ pound. Skin is red and wrinkled, covered with fine, soft hair.
Third Trimester: Week Prenatal DevelopmentEffects on Mother 1. Periods of activity, followed by periods of rest 1. Posture is effected by size of fetus 2. Moves into head down position 2. Backache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, tired, fetus kicks 3. Disease fighting antibodies acquired by the fetus from the mother’s blood 3. Baby drops, false labor may occur
Third Trimester 1. Month 7: As long as a celery stalk (15”), weighs about 3 pounds. Can suck thumb and hear mom’s voice. 2. Month 8: As long as a watermelon (18”), weighs about 5 pounds. Brain is growing very fast! Lungs still not ready. 3. Month 9: As long as a loaf of Italian bread (20”), weighs about 7 pounds. Lungs are mature now and ready to work on their own.
calendar.adoption.com/first- trimester/week-1.html calendar.adoption.com/first- trimester/week-1.html