8/13/101 Updates on the simulation
8/13/102 Some news I finally have the event generator working, for which the ‘physics’ event has 5 D D 0 bar, p T spectrum with =1 and flat in rapidity (|y|<1) [1][2] I produced a first set of fz. files and did the reconstruction independently : –Signal : these are only the 5D 0 and 5 D 0 bar –Mix : this is the mixing between the hijing background and the signal –Background : only the hijing background I ran MuKpi (same cuts) on the signal and the mix files Then I make correlation between them : event by event, I loop over the D 0 candidates for the mix file and then loop over the D 0 candidates for the pure signal and plot some quantities about the D 0 candidates for comparison. This will allow to make proper s/sqrt(s+b) plot/studies for a given cut In the next plots, I select only the unlike sign combinations [1] : [2] :
8/13/103 Inv. mass the number of candidates is much higher for the mix+signal There is some background in the pure signal because of the background due (for example) the association of Kaon (from 1 D0) with a pion (from another D0)
8/13/104 p T and decay length
8/13/105 Cosine of pointing angle and probability of fit
8/13/106 comments It’s too soon to make a studies of cut because it’s only 50 events These first events do not show something wrong in the reconstruction. As the code looks OK and working, I will increase the stats to make better comparison plots.