Large rapidity (y~3.2) data analysis from 200 GeV/c AuAu and pp runs Radoslaw Karabowicz Hot Matter Physics Department M. Smoluchowski Insititue of Physics Jagiellonian University, Krakow
I am definiately overpredicting data at lower pt
SPECTRA CHALLENGE cont’d After properly initiliazing RICH I’m going down at low pt’s
Comparison with Ramiro’s spectra (pp 200GeV/c) This is very similar to this plot - suggests problems with acceptance maps (I generate my own different acc.maps) … -> but recently I was furiously cleaning my directory and deleted (without cvs’ing) my acceptance maps generator. I have old version but it’s not compiling… yet
Comparison with Ramiro’s spectra (pp 200GeV/c) But anyways, the comparison with Ramiro’s spectra is relatively good – at least for pions
p T spectra at large y (from AuAu and pp at 200 GeV/c) 2deg setting not corrected for efficiency
Antiparticle-to-particle ratio AuAupp
Proton and kaon to pion spectra protonkaon
Nuclear Modification Factors pions at y ~ 3.2 kaons at y ~ 3.1 protons at y ~ 3.1
Hirano Nara Phys.Rev. C 68,
p T spectra at various y - AuAu Spectra at various rapidities show stable behaviour of the spectra with rapidity
p T spectra at various y - pp Spectra at various rapidities show stable behaviour of the spectra with rapidity
R AA at various rapidities
Nuclear Modification Factors pions at y ~ 3.0 kaons at y ~ 3.0 protons at y ~ 3.0
pions at y ~ 3.1 kaons at y ~ 3.1 protons at y ~ 3.1 Nuclear Modification Factors
pions at y ~ 3.2 kaons at y ~ 3.2 protons at y ~ 3.2 Nuclear Modification Factors
pions at y ~ 3.3 kaons at y ~ 3.3 protons at y ~ 3.3 Nuclear Modification Factors
pions at y ~ 3.4 kaons at y ~ 3.4 protons at y ~ 3.4 Nuclear Modification Factors
pions at y ~ 3.5 kaons at y ~ 3.5 protons at y ~ 3.5 Nuclear Modification Factors
pions at y ~ 3.7 kaons at y ~ 3.6 protons at y ~ 3.6 Nuclear Modification Factors
R AA at various centralities pions at y ~ 3.2 kaons at y ~ 3.1 protons at y ~ 3.1
R AA vs N part
R AA versus dN/d and energy density
conclusions Basicly no rapidity depedence of Raa (just like in QM05) Strong centrality dependence of Raa for all particles, stronger than that seen at midrapidity (just like in QM05) Although models predict Raa raising at forward rapidities no such behavoiur is seen in my data, BUT pt region is not enough to make very strong conclusions As to data consistency - I am overpredicting spectra at lower pt's