Rev.14:8/Obadiah 1:4-7 Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city. Two of Four Babylon's fall here! Iraq, USA, Jerusalem and the World are the FOUR Babylon’s mentioned in the Bible Also read Jeremiah 50:3-10, nd ANGEL Rev.14:8 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd ANGEL THEENDT IMES 1 st 1 st 2 nd ANGEL 3rd 2 nd Seal Red Horse Rev6:3,4 2 nd ANGEL 2 nd Angel Rev.14:8 The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd Angel Birthpangs The First 6 Seals Rev.14:8/Obadiah 1:4-7 Babylon, Iraq is completely destroyed along with Iran and Syria by US forces in the Persian Gulf and Arabia and some other United Nation forces. However, the American people (those who aren’t socialists or communists) lost the war against its own traitorous government as it is now under martial law enforced by UN troops!! 2 nd ANGEL Rev.14:8/Obadiah 1:4-7 Rising up to fill the void the lone Superpower (USA) is the Four Beasts of Daniel. Great Britain finally has those pesky Americans plucked up, and they can now move on towards ruling the UN, and with the American military behind it. The LION is back!! 2 nd ANGEL Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals Mass Chaos engulfs those in the US as Civil War ensues! light of the Bible Yahshua Savior! -Christians who understand the times in light of the Bible are fearing for their loved ones who do not know Yahshua as their Savior! JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
THEENDT IMES 2 nd Seal Red Horse Rev6:3,4 The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd Angel 1 st 1 st 2 nd ANGEL 3rd 2 nd Angel Rev.14:8 Rev.6:34 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEAL 3 Ribs in Mouth 3 Ribs in Mouth of Bear Bear And behold another beast, a second, like to a Bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. (Daniel 7:5) 2 nd SEAL 3 Ribs in Mouth The 2 nd Beast was like a BEAR!! And it had three ribs in between its teeth in its mouth!! 2 nd SEAL 3 Ribs in Mouth 3 Ribs Red China Red Korea Red Venezuela Just as God gave one of Adam’s ribs to Eve, so did these ribs come out of Red Russia, the big COMMUNIST Father bear! 2 nd SEAL 3 Ribs in Mouth CAPITALISM Also as Eve gives life, these ribs are alive, in the present, not in the past, and all in one accord, as wanting to destroy CAPITALISM, or better yet, give them (the elite) control of it so they can keep 90% for themselves and give you back 10% and keep you inSLAVERY!!! IN EGYPT!! 2 nd SEAL 3 Ribs in Mouth Devour Much Flesh These three nations (ribs) that are all communist tell Papa Bear, “the prey is weak”, speaking of the United States military predicament, which is one of being extremely thinly spread out all over the world & even though America (He-goat in Daniel8:5-8) won the war against the Ram (Iraq & Iran). 2 nd SEAL Birthpangs The First 6 Seals Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals The rise of Socialism - been raptured - and it’s acceptance by more and more US citizens, has an alarming effect on true believers. Many still can’t believe they haven’t been raptured in a pre- tribulation rapture. Those that know the truth continually seek the Lord for His will for themselves! 3 Ribs in Mouth CommunistsIslamists chaos The blood thirsty Communists & Islamists, along with the money loving greedy citizens, racists, anarchists and other secular God hating groups revolting and riotings prove to be the “chaos” needed, along with the “chaotic” wars in the Middle East, Mexican drug cartels, and “Muslim sleeper cells” by our traitorous government, are enough to declare MARTIAL LAW!!! 2 ND ANGEL Marital Law MARTIAL LAW!!! USA in USA because of Race Wars Black vs White White & Black against Hispanic And Vice Versa Islamic Sleeper Cells Anarchists Socialists/Communists Economic Collapse Government Unions vs other workers Famine & Poverty Lawlessness Drug Cartel Violence World War III 2 ND ANGEL JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
2 nd Beast The 2 nd Beast was like a BEAR!! (Russian Red Bear) 2 nd SEAL 2 nd Beast The Symbol that Russia is noted for is the BEAR!! Russia built the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic’s) that dissolved under the Reagan Administration along with Gorbachev via Peristrika in the 1980’s! (Note that Mikhail Gorbachev left the Soviet Union & head’s up an organization at the Presidio Naval Base in San Francisco, furthering a One World Government) 2 nd SEAL 2 nd Beast But how did COMMUNISM come to be a Political (governing) power in Russia? Great Britain had to bring another power up to defeat the power of the USA government and its military. Engel's, a Englishman, was the father of Communism, not Carl Marx. Carl Marx, a Russian studied Engel’s teaching. 2 nd SEAL 2 nd Beast Rothschild’s Communism The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was instigated by the Rothschild’s and their cronies in the British government to bring to power Communism in Russia to a height that it could reign in, Capitalistic America, so it could finally have World Dominion! A One World Government A New World Order!!! 2 nd ANGEL THEENDT IMES 2 nd Seal Red Horse Rev6:3,4 The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd Angel 1 st 1 st 2 nd ANGEL 3rd 2 nd Angel Rev.14:8 Rothschild and their banks Notice the 5 pointed star which represents the 5 sons of Rothschild and their banks on each of the flags Birthpangs The First 6 Seals Rev.6:34 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEAL Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals help others witness Love of God their safety and eternal life Great Tribulation WORLD -These believers are seeking ways to help others and how to witness the Love of God to others and His provision for their safety and eternal life, as well as the truth of the impending Great Tribulation coming to the WORLD and those who have not come out of it’s evil & ungodly practices! JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
3 rd Beast The 3 rd Beast was like a LEOPARD with 4 Heads (Nation of Germany) 2 nd SEAL 3 rd Beast Leopard has 4 Heads (Nation of Germany) Heads Symbolize 4 Different Times it Rules! First Reich = ? Second Reich = WWI Third Reich = WWII Fourth Reich = Rising (Now an Economic Powerhouse in Europe) (Note: German tanks in WWII were called Leopard’s) 2 nd SEALTHEENDT IMES 2 nd Seal Red Horse Rev6:3,4 The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd Angel 1 st 1 st 2 nd ANGEL 3rd 2 nd Angel Rev.14:8 3 rd Beast A picture of a German tank and it is definitely called a LEOPARD 2 nd SEAL 3 rd Beast Leopard Had 4 Wings of a Foul France = Rooster (Foul) France has been Germany’s ally in it’s first 3 reigns of FACISM (Form of Communism, Socialism) and according to this line of reasoning it will again!! 2 nd ANGEL 3 rd Beast France = Rooster (Foul) 1905 French Coin! 2 nd ANGEL The First 6 Seals Birthpangs The First 6 Seals Rev.6:34 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEAL Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals the world -These believers are getting rid of their attachment to the world and with those who are deeply embedded in it! LORD most important -Their walk with the LORD is becoming the most important thing in their lives and helping others do the same! JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
Recap Looked at 3 of the 4 Beasts that rise when the He-Goat (Wings on the back of the Lion is plucked up!) 2 nd SEAL Recap 1. British Empire = Lion Communism was born! (USA = Eagles Wings Capitalistic Power taken) 2. Russia = Red Bear Communism/Socialist 3. Germany = Leopard Fascism/Socialism SEE A PATTERN??? 2 nd ANGEL Rev.6:34 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEALTHEENDT IMES 2 nd Seal Red Horse Rev6:3,4 The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd Angel 1 st 1 st 2 nd ANGEL 3rd 2 nd Angel Rev.14:8 Birthpangs The First 6 Seals Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals conforming to image of Christ laying down their lives Lord’s willall Christians These believers are realizing just what conforming to image of Christ means, and that laying down their lives (mind, will & emotions) for others is the Lord’s will for all Christians! JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation