Key Signatures Sharps and Flats
Key Signatures A group of one or more sharps or flats placed right after the clef sign A group of one or more sharps or flats placed right after the clef sign The key signatures tell you what notes are played sharp/flat in the music The key signatures tell you what notes are played sharp/flat in the music
Sharps A sharp raises the pitch of a note by a half step A sharp raises the pitch of a note by a half step Eg. F F Eg. F F
Flats A flat lowers the pitch of a note by a half step A flat lowers the pitch of a note by a half step Eg. B B Eg. B B
Natural A Natural cancel a previous sharp or flat for that bar only A Natural cancel a previous sharp or flat for that bar only Eg. B to B Eg. B to B Eg. F to F Eg. F to F
Accidental A sign placed in front of a note to change the pitch of a note to make it sound higher or lower. An accidental can be used to change a note that might be/might not be flat or sharp in the key signature A sign placed in front of a note to change the pitch of a note to make it sound higher or lower. An accidental can be used to change a note that might be/might not be flat or sharp in the key signature
Order of Sharps There is a specific way that sharps are written in a key signature. A memory phrase can be used to help us remember the order of sharps There is a specific way that sharps are written in a key signature. A memory phrase can be used to help us remember the order of sharps Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle
Order of Flats There is a specific way that flats are written in a key signature. A memory phrase can be used to help us remember the order of flats There is a specific way that flats are written in a key signature. A memory phrase can be used to help us remember the order of flats Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father
Order of Sharps
Order of Flats