Innovation for a Nation on the Move U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration 2007 Commodity Flow Survey Purpose, Uses & Products Joy Sharp Assistant Director for Survey Programs Bureau of Transportation Statistics Talking Freight Seminar December 10, 2008
CFS Purpose The CFS provides a comprehensive multi – modal picture of national freight flows, and represents the only available source of data for the highway mode that carries about 75 percent of the value and 70 percent of the tonnage of freight transported.
3 Survey Results (2002 CFS) On a typical day, about 43 million tons of goods, valued at about $29 billion, moved nearly 12 billion ton-miles on the nation's transportation network. Trucking continues to dominate the freight industry in value and weight, accounting for nearly ¾ of all freight transported. Approximately 19% (by weight) of all goods shipped in were classified as hazardous materials.
Data Uses analyzing trends in goods movement over time; conducting national, regional and sectoral economic analysis; developing models and analytical tools for policy analyses, management and investment decisions; forecasting future demand for goods movement and associated infrastructure and equipment needs; establishing benchmarks for estimating national accounts; and analyzing and mapping spatial patterns of commodity and vehicle flows. 4
5 Major Differences: 2002 to 2007 Scope and Coverage Forms and Content Sample Size and Design Processing Data Products
6 CFS Data Products Preliminary Data Release - Dec. 9th 6 National-level Tables: Mode, Total Modal Activity, Distance, Weight, & Commodity New for 2007: Industry Tables Shipment Characteristics (value, tons, ton-miles, and ave. miles) Available on BTS and Census websites Cautionary Note
Table 1 7
Table 2 8
Table 3 9
Table 4 10
Table 5 11
Table 6 12
13 Final Data Release Final Data Release – December 2009 National, State, MSA O-D Flow Tables Hazmat & Export 3PL Providers Web and Print Publications
More information BTS Website: preliminary_tables_december_2008/index.html Census Website: _program=ECN&_submenuId=datasets_4&_lang=en 14
Contact Information Joy Sharp (202)