2 nd International Conference Graz October, 10 th 2012 Key noteSHARP Sustainable Hydro Assessment & Groundwater Recharge Projects Hans Zojer Technical.


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Presentation transcript:

2 nd International Conference Graz October, 10 th 2012 Key noteSHARP Sustainable Hydro Assessment & Groundwater Recharge Projects Hans Zojer Technical University Graz Josef Parente University Udine

Groundwater  1 % of all the Water on earth is available for human use  98 % of this is groundwater  Provides the steady base flow of rivers and wetlands  Crucial source of drinking water  Required by European economies for industrial cooling and agricultural irrigation Solve the conflict on groundwater reserves WHAT‘S ABOUT

Overall objective  To save and protect existing water resources for future generations Approach and Methodology  Exchange of knowledge on innovative techniques, methods and practices by considering the climate change and the different geological and geographical conditions of the partner regions  Achieved by Seminars, Study visits, International Conferences and virtual communication system (SHARP VIC) WHAT‘S ABOUT

Win-Win Situation for all Partners:  Less experienced partners: support with know-how of those with more experience by sharing existing expertise  More experienced partners: recheck and optimise/adapt their own technologies and methods by feedback of the less experienced partners  Improvement of successful and innovative technologies  development of new approaches and innovative solutions of common problems by respecting global factors of influence WIN - WIN SITUATION

WssTP: Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform  Set up within the European Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP)  Adopted by the European Commission in 2004 Goal:  Bring together research and industry, decision makers and end-user groups and water stakeholders SHARP NETWORK: WssTP

MAR: Managed Aquifer Recharge  R&D projects  MAR as a regulatory management tool for basin and groundwater systems Goals:  Best management practises  Criteria for recharge: minimal water quality requirements  Predictive tools  Secure fresh water availabilty around Europe  Experiences from SHARP are implemented in MAR SHARP NETWORK: MAR

SHARP  Water Scarcity: Application in semi-arid zones of Europe  Sea water intrusion: Coastal region along Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea  Priority in drinking water supply FUTURE APPLICATIONS