Crisis Management in Estonia Hannes Kont Deputy Secretary General of Rescue Policy
Role of the Ministry Our policymaking tools: 1.Legislation (General and sector specific legislation, statutory regulation) 2.Strategic planning (sectoral development plans, annual working programmes, operational plans, political guidance, vital services, risk analyses) 3.Administrative supervision of the Rescue Board, Police and Border Guard Board, Internal Security Service
Role of the Ministry in crisis regulation Crisis managemnt policy making -Risk management -Preparedness -Crises management exercises -Vital services
Crisis Management in Estonia Decentralized, principle of continuity Based on Cooperation Principle of subsidiarity
Identification Prevention Preparedness Response Vital services
Emergency risk assessment An emergency risk assessment is a document which describes the following: 1) the emergency; 2) the threats and hazards causing the emergency; 3) the probability of the emergency; 4) the consequences of the emergency; 5) other important information related to the emergency; 6) references to models, source materials and other such information on the basis of which the risk assessment is prepared. VERY HIGH 5 Incident abroad HIGH 4 Hot weather Influx of refugees Forest fire Maritime pollution Coastal pollution Maritime accident Epidemic MODERATE 3 Storm Flood Road accident Riot Epizootia Cyber incident Prison riot Sudden attack Pollution inland LOW 2 Cold weather Hazardous Ice Radiological incident Chemical accident Fire, explosion, collapse VERY LOW 1 Railroad accident Nuclear incident Aircraft accident LIGHT A MODERATE B SEVERE C VERY SEVERE D CATASTROPHIC E PROBABILITYPROBABILITY C O N S E Q U E N C E S Identification
Risk prevention Based on riskanalysis- and capacity gap analyses Risk reduction measures Admnistrative supervision Risk communication
Preparedness Training Exercises Lessons learned Emergency response plans Crisis committee Equipment, logistics, stockpiles
Crisis Committees Government Crisis Committee –Chairman: Minister of Interior –Members: 9 permanent secretaries + 8 high officials Regional Crisis Committee (4) –Chair: Chief of Regional Rescue Center –Deputy Chair: Chief of regional Police Prefecture –Members: Regional chiefs of agencies Municipal Crisis Committee –Chairman: Mayor –Members: Municipal officials
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Preparedness emergency response plans 1.Emergency management structure 2.Duties of the parties involved in resolving an emergency 3.Information management between parties and informing the public 4.International cooperation arrangements
Reform of crisis management system Revision of threat mapping and scenarios Strategic level crisis management exercise Preparedness under new conditions
What is a Vital Service? Service that is essential for the management of vital societal functions, health, safety, security and people’s economic and social wellbeing
Vital services Tasks of vital service provider: -Continuous operation risk assessment -Continuous operation plan Vital service organiser: – Co-ordinate the ensuring of the continuous operation of the vital service and advise providers of vital services –Perform supervision over ensuring the continuous operation of vital services
Challenges How to balance risk awareness, preparedness, transparency and security (Social) media influences - how to communicate risk without compromising the population’s trust in public institutions, damaging the economical climate or increasing psychological uncertainty? Reform of crisis management system Revision of threat mapping and scenarios Strategic level crisis management exercise
In Conclusion Each ministry/agency/domain has a role and a responsibility – continuity of duties Clarification of responsibilities of business sector (public service, vital service) What counts is capability, not paper: boots on the ground
Thank you! Hannes Kont