-UNO, BA in Communications -SLU, Masters of Arts in Teaching -10 th year teaching -4H Sponsor -Website Access ool/MrsDiCharia/apt1.aspx About Me
-Oak Tree Dollars -Golden Acorns -Friday Fun Night -PTA -Website Little Oak
-Snack at 9ish -Water bottles can be brought -Designated Bathroom times -Birthdays -MVP of the Week -Dropping off Items -Social Media -Field Trips Class Info
-I believe communication is the KEY to SUCCESS! -Weekly communicator on Mondays -Graded Paper folders sent home on Thursdays and due signed by Fridays! -Interims 5 th week of 9 weeks -Report Cards every 9 weeks -Communicate best through ! -Notes are always welcomed. -Leave a message with the office. Communication
-Can be requested by the teacher or parent. -Will be called as needed. -Phone conferences as needed or to give good news! -Check in with office when you arrive Conferences
-Will be contacting Room Parent and co-room parents soon - Room Parent Team for volunteer opportunities or items/donations needed -Cookie Island Activity -Copy Mom? Will let you know. Volunteers
A= B= C= D=67-74 F= 66 and below Grading Scale
-Go home and come back every day! -Organization -Responsibility -Time is given to write HW in planners Binders & Planners
-It is important students are in-class daily. Many lessons include in-class activities, videos, powerpoints, KAGAN games, etc. -Make up work can be requested, but we need to be notified first thing in the morning. is best! Sometimes we may not have work to pick up depending on lesson. -Excuse notes need to be sent back when your child returns. More than 2 days a doctor’s note is required. Absences
-3 Areas: Grammar, Writing, Spelling Grading: Assessments 60% Classwork/Writing/Spelling 30% Daily Oral Language 10% Language
-Grammar Lessons -Every other week. -Homework worksheets will be given Monday- Thursday. These worksheets are used to study. -Tests on Fridays. -Daily Oral Language (DOL) -They will correct a sentence daily. -Students will check. -Test every Friday on grammar skills taught throughout the week. -These test show what students are paying attention and checking with us. Grammar
-Students will be responding to text. -We spend 2 weeks on a writing. The 1 st week is spent teaching and writing. The 2 nd week is for conferencing. -Rough drafts are graded. -A rubric will be sent home with the grade. -Writings are kept in a portfolio in class. -If you would like to view your child’s writing, we can set up a conference. -You should monitor their progress, but allow them to complete independently. -We set daily goals. If the goal is not met in class, it becomes homework. Writing
-Every other Friday. -Pretest will be given the Thursday before. -Lists are constructed of words they missed plus extra words to make a total of 15. -The list will be written in their planner and in their classroom binder. -Students will complete classwork activities in stations. If they do not finish in class, it will become homework. -They will turn in their 3 classwork activities with their spelling test. -Tests will be given on Friday. Grading: 30% of language grade Spelling
-Students are being taught cursive. -Every week they will receive a grade O-Outstanding S-Satisfactory N-Needs Improvement U-Unsatisfactory (unable to be read, not following directions, incomplete, or not turned in) Handwriting
-One story every two weeks. -We will read 4 novels this year. -Includes a skill and a strategy -Reading packets are to be kept until the end of the story for a classwork grade. -Read every night! Only unfinished classwork will become homework. -3 tests: vocabulary, comprehension, cold comp -Vocab should be studied nightly. We do guestures to help remember them. Grading: Tests 70% Activites/Classwork 30% Reading
-Every Monday given SS worksheet due on Fridays! -Tests will be announced on Mondays on Weekly Newsletter -Projects- In class and At home -Study guides will be up on website. Grading: Tests 70% Activities/Classwork30% Social Studies
-We will do stations every other week on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. -Students that do not follow expectations or complete work will sit out to catch up. -KAGAN -applause, teams, partners Stations/KAGAN
Remind 101
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