Joint Meeting of the AUS, US, XS Working Groups TG10 Tuesday August 3, 2010 1200-1315 hrs Elwood II.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Meeting of the AUS, US, XS Working Groups TG10 Tuesday August 3, hrs Elwood II

Agenda Hearty Pittsburgh lunch – meet, greet, converse (15 minutes) Who are we and what do we do? (5 minutes) Discussion: Interacting with Users (25 minutes) Discussion: Application availability and performance (25 minutes)

Frontline Support Tasks Prompt and successful resolution of complex user problems –For issues specific to 1 RP, share best practices and salient lessons across all RPs –Form tiger teams to diagnose and handle cross-RP issues User Engagement –Make every user contact a mutual learning experience –Feed user concerns, experiences and suggestions into the TeraGrid management and infrastructure system –Be the users’ advocates and agents in the TeraGrid organization –Coordinate user surveys and other formal instruments

Advanced Support Tasks ASTA (Advanced Support for TeraGrid Applications) –Guided by the allocations process (TRAC, Startup, Supplemental) –Consider - AUS staff expertise, RP sites of resource, work plan, collaboration from PIs - when deciding on ASTAs –ASTA primarily involves work with one user’s code ASP (Advanced Support Projects) –Install, maintain domain science, HPC software, codes –Work on technical projects, identified with input from users by AUS staff, that can impact many users/groups –Document exemplary use cases ASEOT (Advanced Support for EOT) –HPC/CI training, outreach (DataNet, PlantCI, other NSF directorates), workshops/tutorials (TG10, PetaScale etc.)

Extreme Scalability Tasks RP staff, tool developers, and users work together to address issues that manifest at extreme scale Scalability and Architecture –algorithms, fault tolerance and resilience, numerical stability and convergence –hybrid/multicore issues Tools –performance tools, debuggers, compilers –focus on applying tools to production applications at scale Workflows, data transport, analysis, visualization, and storage –data movement, parallel I/O, data-intensive analysis

Interacting with Users Experiences, insights and ideas on improving –Technical means of interaction, e.g. ticket system, , phone, chat, Forum in User Portal, other social media… –How we listen to users, to understand their background, interest, concerns, technical capabilities, constraints etc. –How we learn from users –How we stimulate communication and collaboration when doing joint projects, solving tickets, etc. –How we help users learn from us and from each other –How we work with Campus Champions –Etc. etc.

Application Software Availability and Performance Experiences, insights and ideas on improving –How we document the availability of application software on our systems –How we obtain, document and teach performance data about community software on our systems –How we obtain, document and teach performance data about commercial software on our systems –How we convey the correct way to use such information –How we teach users the methodologies and tools for conducting their own studies, for their specific problems and/or for their own codes –Etc. etc.