The Quick-Study Routine Scan Factiva, Nexis for recent, related articles. Scan your own files, Web sites of local competition. Note key or controversial issues outstanding; note key facts. Note key sources mentioned in coverage. Relate previous coverage to current assignment. Check company, PR sites for recent releases.
Quick-2 Consider a pre-event call or two. Arrange post-event telephone interviews. Plan adequate sourcing. Formulate and reformulate your lead as things develop. Alert editor as to angle, length, delivery time. Suggest photo, graphic material; gather graphic data.
Working the Beat Competitive media checks. Global media scan. Special media scan. News-release & statement monitoring; try for early possession. Regular phone/personal contact with key sources. Develop “running” stories.
Working the Beat-2 Try to convert spot coverage into enterprise coverage—trend/anomaly. Three lists: –Source list. –Tickler list. –Idea list. Watch agendas, schedules closely. “Rotate” sources regularly. Rotate story types regularly.
Sources to Consider Publicists Analysts Traders Regulators Bankers & financiers Elected officials Lobbyists Competitors Academic experts Consultants Think-tanks Interest groups People affected Corporate executives Workers, labor groups NGOs (c) 2001 by Russell G. Todd