Coast Forest Region Pathology Update
Yellow-cedar Decline Currently upwards of 30,000 ha identified Initiated pilot study in 2007 in co-operation with UBC Dendrochronology Lab Objective is to quantify onset and magnitude of growth decline of symptomatic/dead cedar relative to asymptomatic cedar Four sites sampled (about 250 trees) in the North Coast Forest District Report by June 2008
What’s next? Initiate photo interpretive work to quantify area affected and implications for timber supply (via UBC Geography Dept) Initiate photo interpretive work to quantify area affected and implications for timber supply (via UBC Geography Dept) Further work expanding dendro sites down to mid and south coastal areas (via UBC Dendro Lab) Further work expanding dendro sites down to mid and south coastal areas (via UBC Dendro Lab) Need studies to clarify environmental and ecological conditions common to sites experiencing decline Need studies to clarify environmental and ecological conditions common to sites experiencing decline Yellow-cedar Decline
Septoria musiva An “exotic” fungus (=Mycosphaerella populorum) native to eastern North America that causes leaf spotting and cankers on balsam poplar, aspen and hybrid poplars Confirmed on two hybrid poplar clones at a private nursery in Harrison Mills last August Potential to spread to plantations of hybrid poplars and to establish on native black cottonwood
Septoria musiva What did we do? Learned about the disease Learned about the disease Organized a working group comprised of reps from MFR, CFS and company to discuss and oversight activities Organized a working group comprised of reps from MFR, CFS and company to discuss and oversight activities Initiated quick survey and sampling of nursery and surrounding plantations Initiated quick survey and sampling of nursery and surrounding plantations Recruited MAL Diagnostics Lab to conduct PCR tests on field samples to confirm S. musiva and UBC forest pathology lab to do quality control Recruited MAL Diagnostics Lab to conduct PCR tests on field samples to confirm S. musiva and UBC forest pathology lab to do quality control
PCR test results 163 samples processed from hybrid poplars collected at 13 sites in November. Sites included production stoolbeds at nursery and plantations in Fraser Valley. 43 successful Septoria cultures across all sites but one (as of January 18). 41 PCR-positives across all cultures. Therefore, all sampled sites but two are positive for S. musiva.
PCR test results Clone S. musiva positive In production Clone S. musiva positive In production T X D 1 YesYes T X M 5 YesYes T X D 2 NoYes T X N 1 UnkYes T X D 3 UnkYes Clone A YesYes T X D 4 YesYes Clone B UnkYes T X D 5 YesDestroyed Clone C UnkYes T X M 1 YesDestroyed Clone D UnkYes T X M 2 UnkYes Clone E YesPending T X M 3 YesDestroyed Clone F UnkYes T X M 4 YesDestroyed Clone G UnkYes
What’s next? Company has asked for emergency registration of Folicur 432F for use in nursery and plantations. Rotate use with Senator 70WP to provide control and defeat resistance. Company has asked for emergency registration of Folicur 432F for use in nursery and plantations. Rotate use with Senator 70WP to provide control and defeat resistance. Over the next year, monitor nursery area and plantations for further appearance of S. musiva. Over the next year, monitor nursery area and plantations for further appearance of S. musiva. Examine black cottonwood clonal trial in Harrison Mills for appearance of S. musiva. Examine black cottonwood clonal trial in Harrison Mills for appearance of S. musiva. Septoria musiva