Group Shot
Rotate 3 degrees to the right Matte Fade color four times Cropped Temperature 2 Shadows 17
exposure.4 contrast -36 saturation 38 highlights 52 shifted levels de-noise 53 temperture -28 tint -42
cropped antique x9exposure.36 contrast 88 saturation 53 definition 100 shadows 66de-noise 100 temperature 100 tint 100
exposure 100 contrast 50 saturation 50 definition 50 highlights 100 Water 1 shadows 14 & Shade
Water 2 straightene d levels adjusted contrast - 46 saturation 39 definition 61 shadows83 sharpness1 4 de-noise 10 temperature tint 65
Water 3 contrast -9 saturation 50 highlights 48 shadows 84 temperature -65 tint -65
black and white fade color x9 boost color x9 level adjustment saturation 100 Animal Shot definition 38 highlights 100 shadows 100 sharpness 100 de-noise 22 temperature -100 tint 100
Mostly Green
antique x1 fade color x2 boost color x3 edge blur x9 temperature -12
Outdoor Building
saturation 63 definition 100 highlights 100 shadows 100 de-noise 100 temperature - 13 tint -57 level adjustment cropped matte x1 exposure.47 contrast 16
Sunny Shot
level adjustment saturation 50 definition 75 highlights 23 shadows 14 temperature -78 tint -52
de-noise 50 definition 100 retouched!! level adjustment